12/19/2020 c5
Everyone is in character in this chapter. Of course Rick had the sweaters custom-made. Thanks for another chapter.

Everyone is in character in this chapter. Of course Rick had the sweaters custom-made. Thanks for another chapter.
12/19/2020 c2 theputz913
Love them visiting her at the precinct and giving her some joy to help make it through her day...love that she has adjusted her priorities and is enjoying her marriage and being a mom.
Love them visiting her at the precinct and giving her some joy to help make it through her day...love that she has adjusted her priorities and is enjoying her marriage and being a mom.
12/19/2020 c4 GT500RonSmith
Tinsel attack! That's a new one for me. It ends up everywhere by accident, imagine attacking with it could lead to a pretty fine mess.
Tinsel attack! That's a new one for me. It ends up everywhere by accident, imagine attacking with it could lead to a pretty fine mess.
12/19/2020 c4 freeasabird14
Fun chapter! #Caskett #Always
Fun chapter! #Caskett #Always
12/19/2020 c3 GT500RonSmith
My first thought was that Kate should have had those ornaments at the loft already, but this would have been Lily's first Christmas, so that may have been the catalyst to have her thinking of them. She had to know that Castle would love to have her mother's ornaments on their family tree. No idea why she would shy away from that.
The way you have them with the teasing, the touchy/feely stuff, that's fun to read! You know what they're going to get into once Lily is put down for the night!
My first thought was that Kate should have had those ornaments at the loft already, but this would have been Lily's first Christmas, so that may have been the catalyst to have her thinking of them. She had to know that Castle would love to have her mother's ornaments on their family tree. No idea why she would shy away from that.
The way you have them with the teasing, the touchy/feely stuff, that's fun to read! You know what they're going to get into once Lily is put down for the night!
12/19/2020 c2 GT500RonSmith
How dare him not bring her coffee! I can see that visit doing her a lot of good. I've thought a lot since the show ended that after all of the turmoil was over for Kate, it seemed like the home life might be more attractive to her than staying at the precinct. Possibly, return to school and become the lawyer as she had wanted to become. Maybe that would give her more time with her family.
Again, this was a good chapter. Makes me feel good about their lives. Thanks for another one.
How dare him not bring her coffee! I can see that visit doing her a lot of good. I've thought a lot since the show ended that after all of the turmoil was over for Kate, it seemed like the home life might be more attractive to her than staying at the precinct. Possibly, return to school and become the lawyer as she had wanted to become. Maybe that would give her more time with her family.
Again, this was a good chapter. Makes me feel good about their lives. Thanks for another one.
12/19/2020 c1 GT500RonSmith
This was nice. It was a happy chapter from beginning to end with the right feelings in it and everything. Just the way I would have wanted this outing to have gone for them. Nice work! Thanks!
This was nice. It was a happy chapter from beginning to end with the right feelings in it and everything. Just the way I would have wanted this outing to have gone for them. Nice work! Thanks!
12/19/2020 c1 LoveCoffee89
Oh that's so adorable!
I wish we had seen that on the show ...
First Christmas for the three of them The two with Baby Lily and how they tease each other
and YES little flower should wear a hat, it's cold !
Thank you for writing and sharing
Looking forward to read more
Oh that's so adorable!
I wish we had seen that on the show ...
First Christmas for the three of them The two with Baby Lily and how they tease each other
and YES little flower should wear a hat, it's cold !
Thank you for writing and sharing
Looking forward to read more