Just In
for Invictus

1/1/2021 c5 Enduroman1
Okay Im loving the story so far hope you update soon
1/1/2021 c5 Eddyonline
Great series, happy that I found it when it was just starting. Love the concept and way your developing the story. Can’t wait to see how the story will change with a hard working Naruto, as that’s the best part of this type of FF to me. Overall, I really like the story so far and can’t wait for the next update.
12/31/2020 c4 GreatT'Phon1of4
Thanks for the shenanigans. Keep up the good work!
12/30/2020 c3 Flygar
... did Inoichi seal his mind?
12/30/2020 c1 Flygar
...I think you meant writing instead of righting, but that could have been on purpose.
12/30/2020 c3 12Hit1903
Why doesn't he remember. It would be too boring if he doesn't remember anything worthwhile
12/27/2020 c1 Val'Hor
This looks promising but there are too many flashbacks, I think it would be better to give the scenes in the chronological order than going back all the time. Your flashbacks take so many words that what you used to introduce them becomes unnecessary filler. Keep up the good work, there doesn't seem to be any problem with you grammar or your writing in general.
12/27/2020 c1 jasonlabroy
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