Just In
for Invictus

11/19/2024 c54 Dretnuh
Oh I really hope this means Madara will be the end of series big bad. I have always thought Madara was an infinitely better villain than Kaguya. Just the fact of how they beat Kaguya demonstrates that perfectly. But also Madara is atleast in my limited anime watching experience, the most badass anime villain, and one of the most badass villains in general that I know of. Just because his plan is retarded doesn’t diminish that either.
11/18/2024 c53 Dretnuh
If I was Naruto, I would have asked that old toad if this was nepotism because his sister was the reincarnation of his old buddy Hagaromo’s son.
11/18/2024 c53 Dretnuh
Wait. I’m confused. Why would Itachi’s eye be bleeding? He has Eternal Mangekyou now….? I rhiught the bleeding was just like a visual way to show how they were damaging their eyes?
11/17/2024 c47 Dretnuh
I don’t understand how Ashina thinks he’s helping protect his grandchildren when he can’t even take a couple seconds to explain to Konoha shinobi that he’s on their side before he’s just like yeah fuck it I’ll fight you. Like Gai could be actually helping somewhere instead of just fighting Ashina. He really seems more like he’s just having fun stirring shit up to me lol.
11/17/2024 c6 John
Incredible work
11/17/2024 c46 Dretnuh
Wait. What do you mean Kankuro’s puppet is hastily patched up because of what Rin did? IT’S BEEN A MONTH SINCE THEN?¿
11/16/2024 c37 Dretnuh
Bro I’m confused. Between the hint to Anko about Orochimaru, and the fact that he knows, why didn’t he immediately send a shadow clone to fetch Anko/Anbu as soon as Orochimaru said who he was?!
11/16/2024 c37 Dretnuh
I’m confused. Why is he freaking out over not having his sword when he literally has the fucking kusanagi blade? Like my guy that’s definitely better than yours even if you had a nice sword.
11/15/2024 c32 Dretnuh
Ughhh. These “comedic chapters” are cool I guess but god can we stop dragging shit out at this point. Like after we get passed the chunin exams, or especially after the time skip, I would be cool with how slow it’s moving forward. But this is ridiculous! I just want to get to atleast SOME of the good stuff.
11/15/2024 c30 Dretnuh
Wait. Why did they travel separately if they were leaving from the same place and going to the same place….? Literally just an opportunity for then to get ambushed with less backup lmao.
11/15/2024 c27 Dretnuh
Wait, wtf? You’re saying it’s gonna take potentially 3 chapters after they’ve already arrived at Tazuna’s house and Naruto got his pep talks and Inari even got his first talking down before we get to the bridge fight?! Wtf is gonna take that damn long here?! I’m pretty sure they all know how to tree walk already.
11/15/2024 c25 Dretnuh
Totally agree with this author’s note. Madara Uchiha is one of the most badass villains of all time. His plan was still dumb asf but he’s still a badass mf. Honestly always have hated how he just randomly gets ganked by black Zetsu. I honeslty ten tails Madara was stronger than Kaguya too, like power wise I would say they were similar, but since Madara started out as a regular human he had to rely on his skill more for a lot of his life so I think he’s much more skilled than Kaguya which makes him stronger since they’re at like the same power level.
11/15/2024 c25 Dretnuh
Don’t know why you’re calling this unkown pov like we can’t tell it’s Orochimaru almost immediately lol. Unless I’m weong but it sounds exactly how I’d expect Orochimaru to.
11/14/2024 c20 Dretnuh
Just thinking about what might be in this letter for Kumo. He better have thrown in like a “Fool! Ya fool!” XD
11/14/2024 c20 Dretnuh
I don’t like this. Stop shipping Rin and Sasuke. I don’t like it. Until the Sasuke of this story has proven more trustworthy I just cannot vibe with it. Makes me nervous.
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