2/20/2021 c1
Hello Maggie! It is finally time for me to read these prologues! It has been a long time coming but since subs are closing VERY soon I thought these reviews were overdue.
Vesper: Before I even start reading, I fucking love this name. It is on my masterlist of potential tribute names and I've always adored it. It simply slaps so fucking hard. Bruh. This opening sentence? UNFFFFFF. So fucking sexy. I am simply obsessed with water-related figurative language so I was starting buss right off the bat. Very quickly into this POV, I became completely and utterly immersed into your vision of the Capitol. The little details about the celebs and youth and the comunicuffs...it's those little details that really start to bring a world to life. I know I haven't seen much of the Capitol yet based off of his one POV, but I am already in love with it. I haven't seen a lot of in depth deep-dives into the real culture of Capitol and this simply makes me really excited for the subplot portions of the story. Additionally, Vesper being a speechwriter is so fucking sick. I think the political aspects of THG and the propaganda wars in Mockingjay are severely underrated and underutilized elements of Panem and I am so happy to see them on display here, and in such amazing prose.
This first interview was so interesting. Predicting all 24 placements four years in a row? How the fuck does one do that. There has to be some kind of luck involved right? I mean how can you predict exactly who dies over who in the Bloodbath? Maybe I am just small brain but just...wow. What the fuck. Ohhhhh and this set-up for the gambling and reporting? This is simply right up my alley and it is so fucking sexy. I am very invested in this subplot already and am feening for more content.

Hello Maggie! It is finally time for me to read these prologues! It has been a long time coming but since subs are closing VERY soon I thought these reviews were overdue.
Vesper: Before I even start reading, I fucking love this name. It is on my masterlist of potential tribute names and I've always adored it. It simply slaps so fucking hard. Bruh. This opening sentence? UNFFFFFF. So fucking sexy. I am simply obsessed with water-related figurative language so I was starting buss right off the bat. Very quickly into this POV, I became completely and utterly immersed into your vision of the Capitol. The little details about the celebs and youth and the comunicuffs...it's those little details that really start to bring a world to life. I know I haven't seen much of the Capitol yet based off of his one POV, but I am already in love with it. I haven't seen a lot of in depth deep-dives into the real culture of Capitol and this simply makes me really excited for the subplot portions of the story. Additionally, Vesper being a speechwriter is so fucking sick. I think the political aspects of THG and the propaganda wars in Mockingjay are severely underrated and underutilized elements of Panem and I am so happy to see them on display here, and in such amazing prose.
This first interview was so interesting. Predicting all 24 placements four years in a row? How the fuck does one do that. There has to be some kind of luck involved right? I mean how can you predict exactly who dies over who in the Bloodbath? Maybe I am just small brain but just...wow. What the fuck. Ohhhhh and this set-up for the gambling and reporting? This is simply right up my alley and it is so fucking sexy. I am very invested in this subplot already and am feening for more content.
2/18/2021 c2
AGH an APD update?! I know I'm a few days late but still! Very exciting. Can't promise this reveiw is gonna be all that long but i still wanna offer some thoughts.
One, I love the relationship going on here between Cornelius and Drucilla. It's very interesting, like very intimate without being directly intimate... Yanno? The chemistry is just really cool and I'm excited to see you expand on it. Especially causs I'm getting the feeling that all of these prologues will connect and give to subplot. Which is super exciting cause I know it's not just a time waster to make the world seem more real. I'm looking forward to how Festus will tie into Cornelius's plot so far.
I also loved the lore you snuck in here. I absolutely adore that kind of stuff, it makes the world seem so breathing and real. Also having D10 kid from cannon Win is such a cool idea. I've seen thresh and Cato I think before but never him so that was a cool addition. I'm excited to see what Cornelius does as head game maker though. You have him sound super confident which has me excited lmao. The irony of it all really.
Anywho, great chapter and I can't wait for more and for the cast list, agh!
(also I was listening to stardew by purity ring while reading haha)

AGH an APD update?! I know I'm a few days late but still! Very exciting. Can't promise this reveiw is gonna be all that long but i still wanna offer some thoughts.
One, I love the relationship going on here between Cornelius and Drucilla. It's very interesting, like very intimate without being directly intimate... Yanno? The chemistry is just really cool and I'm excited to see you expand on it. Especially causs I'm getting the feeling that all of these prologues will connect and give to subplot. Which is super exciting cause I know it's not just a time waster to make the world seem more real. I'm looking forward to how Festus will tie into Cornelius's plot so far.
I also loved the lore you snuck in here. I absolutely adore that kind of stuff, it makes the world seem so breathing and real. Also having D10 kid from cannon Win is such a cool idea. I've seen thresh and Cato I think before but never him so that was a cool addition. I'm excited to see what Cornelius does as head game maker though. You have him sound super confident which has me excited lmao. The irony of it all really.
Anywho, great chapter and I can't wait for more and for the cast list, agh!
(also I was listening to stardew by purity ring while reading haha)
2/16/2021 c2
MAGGIE PROLOGUE 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO! So today we have met Mr. Cornelius Quant, or as his friends call him, Nelly. I keep wanting to call him Quaint because i am a whore and I get shit wrong but anyways, this shit, as you may have thought I would think... FUCKING SLAPS! The political intrigue is so fucking sexy and I like this relationship between him and Drusilla. He is pretty young for a HG yeah, but I believe in Nelly! Anyways, Festus is once again an important part of this prologue so I'm excited to see his role throughout the story as well as all the other amazing characters you've created. Your writing just flows so nicely and has a distinct tone to it that makes it very fun and pleasing and sexy to read, so I appreciated it as usual.
omg ugh ur such a simp thanks for the shout out of my shout out i think we should make this a bit and i will thank you for shouting me out for shouting you out in my next a/n

MAGGIE PROLOGUE 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO! So today we have met Mr. Cornelius Quant, or as his friends call him, Nelly. I keep wanting to call him Quaint because i am a whore and I get shit wrong but anyways, this shit, as you may have thought I would think... FUCKING SLAPS! The political intrigue is so fucking sexy and I like this relationship between him and Drusilla. He is pretty young for a HG yeah, but I believe in Nelly! Anyways, Festus is once again an important part of this prologue so I'm excited to see his role throughout the story as well as all the other amazing characters you've created. Your writing just flows so nicely and has a distinct tone to it that makes it very fun and pleasing and sexy to read, so I appreciated it as usual.
omg ugh ur such a simp thanks for the shout out of my shout out i think we should make this a bit and i will thank you for shouting me out for shouting you out in my next a/n
2/16/2021 c2
A spicy second prologue, it seems! With some interesting backstory!
Cornelius seems like a fairly chill dude, he's definitely one of the youngest Head Gamemaker's I've seen but that just means he'll probably have a better take on the Games and how he can make them sound out! His friendship with Drusilla is really sweet, though my heart broke for her reading what she was going through and the turmoil it was causing her.
I liked that the chapter really gave us some background to their friendship, as well as how they both got to where they are now! Even if it was a little shady lol. I'm hyped for the next prologue and to see the cast list, I got hyped as hell seeing the notification for this prologue so the next is gonna be great, I know it!
Keep up the good work dude, like I said, really excited to see where the story will go!

A spicy second prologue, it seems! With some interesting backstory!
Cornelius seems like a fairly chill dude, he's definitely one of the youngest Head Gamemaker's I've seen but that just means he'll probably have a better take on the Games and how he can make them sound out! His friendship with Drusilla is really sweet, though my heart broke for her reading what she was going through and the turmoil it was causing her.
I liked that the chapter really gave us some background to their friendship, as well as how they both got to where they are now! Even if it was a little shady lol. I'm hyped for the next prologue and to see the cast list, I got hyped as hell seeing the notification for this prologue so the next is gonna be great, I know it!
Keep up the good work dude, like I said, really excited to see where the story will go!
2/15/2021 c1
mmm. maggie prologue and it’s mega juicy as fuck. sat down and vored the entire goddamn thing before rubbing my hands and starting this review.
first things first i think the capitolite cast is already shaping up to look strong as FUCK. literally all of them are such characters right off the bat, from vesper to festus to cornelius to even HELENA! i don’t know how relevant she’ll be to the overall subplot but i already feel like i know her, the way that each interaction you wrote was chock-full of characterization. i’ll talk specifically about vesper and festus, vesper first; she’s got a sexy ass name and a sexy ass personality. obviously very hardworking and diligent and professional but she can get down and talk shit when she feels, and i admire that range. she’s also got a dynamic side that can be exploited, the way that she was allured by festus’s talk of gambling and levelling the board. she was so opinionated on festus and his dickheadassery which really entertained me to no end, which segues into my next point of discussion. festus the man the myth the legend! he’s fucking fascinating. Pretentious as fuck from a first glance, makes him seem awfully superficial but after a conversation (that wasn’t filmed) with him, vesper realizes that there’s a lot more to him than what meets the eye. like for one, he came from nothing, quite like her. that was a really cool bonding moment right there. he also proves to have a considerate-ish side, the way that he pays off vesper’s drink under the guise of making up for his entitled behavior earlier. (think that’s more borne out of interest in vesper than actual sympathy, but hey, cool moment regardless i thought.) he’s intriguing and peaks vesper’s interest. i imagine already that he will prove to be a fantastic partner in crime or her ultimate foil, perhaps both. all i know is that their banter is immaculate as fuck and that their character dynamic is godtier.
now i guess onto content/themes? sorry this review’s gonna be all over the place. in this verse we have the last head gamemaker dying by homicide and a young, upstart one replacing them. the commentary about the controversiality of having a fresh face as the head gamemaker was SEXY AS FUCK TO ME. they made points when they said that his lack of experience will likely yield new innovative and unconventional results that wouldn’t have happened otherwise! i hope the comparison doesn’t make you uncomfy but it reminded me a little of the d&d prologue and i thought the similarity was really neat :pleading: a prisoners dilemma :handshake: d&d: having rookie gamemakers replace the head gamemaker following um a suspicious and troubling turn of events Ah Ha Ha. it seems that gambling is gonna be a thing in apd which is exciting as hell. that really appeals to me, the commentary about how casinos and betting rings are the only place in the capitol where people are truly equal because of all that the patrons stand to gain and stand to lose? GRRR BARK BARK! SEXY ASF! and now darting back to vesper and festus, learning about vesper’s parents was really neat and i thought it was mega cool the way they brought back “gifts” for her persay, but focused more on the story behind them than the value of the object itself. and then she proceeded to talk about how they gave her a chunk of hair. that was genuinely whiplash inducing but it really shows how she’s no stranger to sketchy shit like that and that she’s had her fair share of skirmishes with trouble. awfully sinister paralleled with the plush luxuries of the capitol but it was a gorgeous juxtaposition.
lastly i wanted to talk about your writing? there is so much to unpack in every single fucking sentence. Even if you didn’t tell me about your painstaking writing process, i think i would’ve been able to really tell how much effort you put into your writing? Cos like goddamn, all the words and the way all the sentences were structured, it was all so meticulous and RICH. your writing is like candy my dude that’s the best way i can describe it. SLURP. every sentence do be a treat and also just pretty as fuck. i can’t believe i had so much to say for a fucking prologue but i guess that’s just a testament to your writing innit? that was a stellar prologue, i will probably be thinking about this for a long time. god. im pumped for the next prologues and for the ride to begin. let’s make apd your next mil fic OWA OWA /j EAGERLY ANTICIPATING THE NEXT CHAPTER!
ja ne!

mmm. maggie prologue and it’s mega juicy as fuck. sat down and vored the entire goddamn thing before rubbing my hands and starting this review.
first things first i think the capitolite cast is already shaping up to look strong as FUCK. literally all of them are such characters right off the bat, from vesper to festus to cornelius to even HELENA! i don’t know how relevant she’ll be to the overall subplot but i already feel like i know her, the way that each interaction you wrote was chock-full of characterization. i’ll talk specifically about vesper and festus, vesper first; she’s got a sexy ass name and a sexy ass personality. obviously very hardworking and diligent and professional but she can get down and talk shit when she feels, and i admire that range. she’s also got a dynamic side that can be exploited, the way that she was allured by festus’s talk of gambling and levelling the board. she was so opinionated on festus and his dickheadassery which really entertained me to no end, which segues into my next point of discussion. festus the man the myth the legend! he’s fucking fascinating. Pretentious as fuck from a first glance, makes him seem awfully superficial but after a conversation (that wasn’t filmed) with him, vesper realizes that there’s a lot more to him than what meets the eye. like for one, he came from nothing, quite like her. that was a really cool bonding moment right there. he also proves to have a considerate-ish side, the way that he pays off vesper’s drink under the guise of making up for his entitled behavior earlier. (think that’s more borne out of interest in vesper than actual sympathy, but hey, cool moment regardless i thought.) he’s intriguing and peaks vesper’s interest. i imagine already that he will prove to be a fantastic partner in crime or her ultimate foil, perhaps both. all i know is that their banter is immaculate as fuck and that their character dynamic is godtier.
now i guess onto content/themes? sorry this review’s gonna be all over the place. in this verse we have the last head gamemaker dying by homicide and a young, upstart one replacing them. the commentary about the controversiality of having a fresh face as the head gamemaker was SEXY AS FUCK TO ME. they made points when they said that his lack of experience will likely yield new innovative and unconventional results that wouldn’t have happened otherwise! i hope the comparison doesn’t make you uncomfy but it reminded me a little of the d&d prologue and i thought the similarity was really neat :pleading: a prisoners dilemma :handshake: d&d: having rookie gamemakers replace the head gamemaker following um a suspicious and troubling turn of events Ah Ha Ha. it seems that gambling is gonna be a thing in apd which is exciting as hell. that really appeals to me, the commentary about how casinos and betting rings are the only place in the capitol where people are truly equal because of all that the patrons stand to gain and stand to lose? GRRR BARK BARK! SEXY ASF! and now darting back to vesper and festus, learning about vesper’s parents was really neat and i thought it was mega cool the way they brought back “gifts” for her persay, but focused more on the story behind them than the value of the object itself. and then she proceeded to talk about how they gave her a chunk of hair. that was genuinely whiplash inducing but it really shows how she’s no stranger to sketchy shit like that and that she’s had her fair share of skirmishes with trouble. awfully sinister paralleled with the plush luxuries of the capitol but it was a gorgeous juxtaposition.
lastly i wanted to talk about your writing? there is so much to unpack in every single fucking sentence. Even if you didn’t tell me about your painstaking writing process, i think i would’ve been able to really tell how much effort you put into your writing? Cos like goddamn, all the words and the way all the sentences were structured, it was all so meticulous and RICH. your writing is like candy my dude that’s the best way i can describe it. SLURP. every sentence do be a treat and also just pretty as fuck. i can’t believe i had so much to say for a fucking prologue but i guess that’s just a testament to your writing innit? that was a stellar prologue, i will probably be thinking about this for a long time. god. im pumped for the next prologues and for the ride to begin. let’s make apd your next mil fic OWA OWA /j EAGERLY ANTICIPATING THE NEXT CHAPTER!
ja ne!
1/21/2021 c1
Maggie wtf this so good. The characterization, the subtle worldbuilding, the scene-setting, the dialogue, the story that you're setting up with Vesper and Festus (who are both just so fascinating as characters while also feeling human and real, and then just the prose which is. . . stunning doesn't even begin to cut it?
"It was in her promised land that she blossomed before the public's very eyes, a vibrant red amaryllis in halycon light, glowing proudly over the city's muted white reaches."
Like how do you write like that, Maggie? Ugh, just so, so good and I honestly can't believe that I almost ended up missing out on this story because this is some of the most stunning writing I've ever read on this site. I honestly haven't been this excited about an syot in so long, and the fact that you don't have like 60 subs already is a crime. The summary of the story has be so intrigued with how it'll play into the first prologue we got here. Normally I don't like when subplot takes over a story but I'm already pulled into this so much that I wouldn't mind reading along for an entire story of just these two lol.
I have two tribute ideas that I'm already starting to work on, and I'm hoping to get them into you soon! Regardless though I'll be reading along because I'm officially hooked. So excited to see more!

Maggie wtf this so good. The characterization, the subtle worldbuilding, the scene-setting, the dialogue, the story that you're setting up with Vesper and Festus (who are both just so fascinating as characters while also feeling human and real, and then just the prose which is. . . stunning doesn't even begin to cut it?
"It was in her promised land that she blossomed before the public's very eyes, a vibrant red amaryllis in halycon light, glowing proudly over the city's muted white reaches."
Like how do you write like that, Maggie? Ugh, just so, so good and I honestly can't believe that I almost ended up missing out on this story because this is some of the most stunning writing I've ever read on this site. I honestly haven't been this excited about an syot in so long, and the fact that you don't have like 60 subs already is a crime. The summary of the story has be so intrigued with how it'll play into the first prologue we got here. Normally I don't like when subplot takes over a story but I'm already pulled into this so much that I wouldn't mind reading along for an entire story of just these two lol.
I have two tribute ideas that I'm already starting to work on, and I'm hoping to get them into you soon! Regardless though I'll be reading along because I'm officially hooked. So excited to see more!
1/10/2021 c1
HIIII MAGGIE I KNOW I SUCK AND IT HAS TAKEN ME SO FUCKING LONG TO READ THIS PROLOGUE BUT HERE I FUCKING AM! LET'S FUCKING GOOO YOU KNOW I'M HYPE TO READ SOME OF YOUR STUFF AGAIN BECAUSE YOUR TALENT IS UNREAL AND YOUR BRAIN IS SO HUMONGOLOGUNGUS! *ahem* okay so... a prisoner's dilemma. the title itself is already making me ask questions but mmm it's good and sexy and SO IS YOUR COVER! i really fucking love that one. mmm you know i love your ideas maggie and i'm just gonna get right into it so i can know about your characters considering i've been seeing their faces and idk who they are yet. story time!
Vesper Vencel - mmm hi vesper! a famous death? we are already starting out on an interesting note. oh by the way i always love your descriptions and the figurative language and stuff you use. the picture it paints is actually exquisite. oh shit? that's a lot of deaths in 5 and 6... i love how i'm just being thrown in the deep end here. it's mad sexy of you cus i have to pick up on shit quick! like mr reuter's death here! ughhh i am really fucking vibing with your worldbuilding, though i knew i would. oh shit? she wrote speeches for president snow? mm she is very very important then! oooh it was THAT good? "vesper vencel was the savior of coriolanus snow's turbulent legacy, the unspoken pioneer of a cultural overhaul as a new presidential era was born" holy SHIT maggie your writing FUCKS. i know i say this every time but... IT STILL KEEPS BEING TRUE LMAO. oooh agora broadcasting system... i also just wanna say your naming system fucks too! WHAT PART OF YOUR WRITING DOESN'T ABSOLUTLEY SLAP LMAO. she has a morning news program? that is so fucking cool of her. i do really like this intro a lot, i've never seen ANYTHING quite like this in a prologue (or really a syot...?) before and it's mad sexy of you maggie
okay hello festus, winner of over eight million coins in the betting scene. very interesting of you, are we talking about betting on tributes and stuff? does that mean he's really good at it? cus ooooh that'll be really cool to explore. yooo holy shit he correctly predicted every tribute placement for FOUR YEARS? what the fuck! is this man cheating or something? i think i would definitely believe that. oooh he's getting rattled over what she's saying... a new head gamemaker? and he's new blood, i do like when we get to follow a new head gamemaker in stories because that is simply so fucking neat lmao. their new ideas and shit? trying to adjust to the new job? that is some good shit. anyway i love how near the end it turns into them kinda bantering with each other (well, that's not the word but i'm too lazy to sit here and think) because i think it is entertaining. you write it really well, of course.
mmm okay okay where are you going now vesper? OOH the fallen falcon! i really like that... plus a bar setting is always very fun. ooh helena has a cheeta print tattoo? i forgot we were in the capitol for a second that is very fun and quirky. and i think it's really funny that she's kinda talking shit about festus though i do think it will go wrong. watch him be somewhere in this bar lmao. umm but yeah a smug fuck, let's go. oh uh look helena is getting uncomfy! that means... festus is here? somewhere? OH SHIT LMAO HIS LAST NAME IS DENARO ISN'T IT. mmm hello festus! fancy seeing you here! her instant regret is unreal but... hm, what is this guy up to? he's being oddly kind after she started trashing him, though i think he has a weird attitude too so deal with it sir. i guess at least she didn't get to finish voicing her opinion because... well, that would've been bad. hmm now we are talking about casinos? oh shit? mr festus here came from nothing? ALSO I LOVE HER LITTLE INTERJECTIONS LMAO "a little bit of fixing" SO MAYBE WE WERE ALL THINKING IT! lmao this guy is so fucking weird what's he up to? i still get the feeling that he wants something and i just think vesper feels that too. ooh the most expensive eye job? mmm that is *fascinating* idk i think all the little talk about some of the things you can buy to change yourself in the capitol is so fucking neat. you can buy some new eyes! or- the color anyway. ooh i like how this is... idk i just like it. the conversation between them just feels very real? and natural? i fucks with it heavily and i love how he's trying to get her to bet some money too. very interesting of you festus! mmm and she can look into the betting ring of the hunger games while she's at it! yooo this is such a cool idea maggie i won't lie, it's gonna be a lot of fun to look into it with vesper here.
okay so. THIS FUCKING SLAPPED LMAO i found myself intrigued by literally fucking everything, your worldbuilding is as amazing as i thought it would be, and it was a completely unconventional chapter that i do believe will work perfectly for the story as a whole. i think i will be calling it immaculate. because it really was lmao, you're insanely talented and i won't be able to stop thinking about this story. it is just... *actually* amazing. i know you have a bunch of ideas floating around in your head and i cannot wait to see what they are!

HIIII MAGGIE I KNOW I SUCK AND IT HAS TAKEN ME SO FUCKING LONG TO READ THIS PROLOGUE BUT HERE I FUCKING AM! LET'S FUCKING GOOO YOU KNOW I'M HYPE TO READ SOME OF YOUR STUFF AGAIN BECAUSE YOUR TALENT IS UNREAL AND YOUR BRAIN IS SO HUMONGOLOGUNGUS! *ahem* okay so... a prisoner's dilemma. the title itself is already making me ask questions but mmm it's good and sexy and SO IS YOUR COVER! i really fucking love that one. mmm you know i love your ideas maggie and i'm just gonna get right into it so i can know about your characters considering i've been seeing their faces and idk who they are yet. story time!
Vesper Vencel - mmm hi vesper! a famous death? we are already starting out on an interesting note. oh by the way i always love your descriptions and the figurative language and stuff you use. the picture it paints is actually exquisite. oh shit? that's a lot of deaths in 5 and 6... i love how i'm just being thrown in the deep end here. it's mad sexy of you cus i have to pick up on shit quick! like mr reuter's death here! ughhh i am really fucking vibing with your worldbuilding, though i knew i would. oh shit? she wrote speeches for president snow? mm she is very very important then! oooh it was THAT good? "vesper vencel was the savior of coriolanus snow's turbulent legacy, the unspoken pioneer of a cultural overhaul as a new presidential era was born" holy SHIT maggie your writing FUCKS. i know i say this every time but... IT STILL KEEPS BEING TRUE LMAO. oooh agora broadcasting system... i also just wanna say your naming system fucks too! WHAT PART OF YOUR WRITING DOESN'T ABSOLUTLEY SLAP LMAO. she has a morning news program? that is so fucking cool of her. i do really like this intro a lot, i've never seen ANYTHING quite like this in a prologue (or really a syot...?) before and it's mad sexy of you maggie
okay hello festus, winner of over eight million coins in the betting scene. very interesting of you, are we talking about betting on tributes and stuff? does that mean he's really good at it? cus ooooh that'll be really cool to explore. yooo holy shit he correctly predicted every tribute placement for FOUR YEARS? what the fuck! is this man cheating or something? i think i would definitely believe that. oooh he's getting rattled over what she's saying... a new head gamemaker? and he's new blood, i do like when we get to follow a new head gamemaker in stories because that is simply so fucking neat lmao. their new ideas and shit? trying to adjust to the new job? that is some good shit. anyway i love how near the end it turns into them kinda bantering with each other (well, that's not the word but i'm too lazy to sit here and think) because i think it is entertaining. you write it really well, of course.
mmm okay okay where are you going now vesper? OOH the fallen falcon! i really like that... plus a bar setting is always very fun. ooh helena has a cheeta print tattoo? i forgot we were in the capitol for a second that is very fun and quirky. and i think it's really funny that she's kinda talking shit about festus though i do think it will go wrong. watch him be somewhere in this bar lmao. umm but yeah a smug fuck, let's go. oh uh look helena is getting uncomfy! that means... festus is here? somewhere? OH SHIT LMAO HIS LAST NAME IS DENARO ISN'T IT. mmm hello festus! fancy seeing you here! her instant regret is unreal but... hm, what is this guy up to? he's being oddly kind after she started trashing him, though i think he has a weird attitude too so deal with it sir. i guess at least she didn't get to finish voicing her opinion because... well, that would've been bad. hmm now we are talking about casinos? oh shit? mr festus here came from nothing? ALSO I LOVE HER LITTLE INTERJECTIONS LMAO "a little bit of fixing" SO MAYBE WE WERE ALL THINKING IT! lmao this guy is so fucking weird what's he up to? i still get the feeling that he wants something and i just think vesper feels that too. ooh the most expensive eye job? mmm that is *fascinating* idk i think all the little talk about some of the things you can buy to change yourself in the capitol is so fucking neat. you can buy some new eyes! or- the color anyway. ooh i like how this is... idk i just like it. the conversation between them just feels very real? and natural? i fucks with it heavily and i love how he's trying to get her to bet some money too. very interesting of you festus! mmm and she can look into the betting ring of the hunger games while she's at it! yooo this is such a cool idea maggie i won't lie, it's gonna be a lot of fun to look into it with vesper here.
okay so. THIS FUCKING SLAPPED LMAO i found myself intrigued by literally fucking everything, your worldbuilding is as amazing as i thought it would be, and it was a completely unconventional chapter that i do believe will work perfectly for the story as a whole. i think i will be calling it immaculate. because it really was lmao, you're insanely talented and i won't be able to stop thinking about this story. it is just... *actually* amazing. i know you have a bunch of ideas floating around in your head and i cannot wait to see what they are!
1/7/2021 c1
3Very New To This
This certainly is a really interesting prologue. I specifically like how the Hunger Games betting ring plays a huge role in this chapter. The betting aspect of the Games rarely gets attention in Hunger Games fanfics I think. Both Vesper and Festus are really interesting.

This certainly is a really interesting prologue. I specifically like how the Hunger Games betting ring plays a huge role in this chapter. The betting aspect of the Games rarely gets attention in Hunger Games fanfics I think. Both Vesper and Festus are really interesting.
1/6/2021 c1
Hey Maggie! I AM HERE I AM QUEER AND I AM READY TO REVEIW MY PERHAPS FAVE PROLOGUE IN AN SYOT? I a perfectly aware I ought to be working on my jane eyre paper (six pages I don't wannnnaaaaa) but I put this on my checklist cause you def deserve props for this. here's the tea, I often promise subs before I actually read an author's style but I wanted to make sure I was vibing with the writing before subbing AND HOLY SHIT. it's literally so good. I knew that I HAD to submit. I was up till like four in the morning figuring out my concept with Will last night and I am so excited for you to read. scared cause d1f is hellza competitive but I CAN DO IT (at least I'm telling myself this). anywayssssssssssssss to the prologue!
Now I read this yesterday so forgive me if I both details lol.
Vesper is such a cool central character to choose for your prologue to center around! I feel like everyone goes for victors, presidents, and the like but a high-profile news reporter/writer is really cool. gives her certainly a unique perspective on things and allows her story to take us to cool places outside of the Gamemakers room. I'm definitely curious as to how she will affect the overall verse yanno? Like what is her tie into these games? will she be guiding us through the capital's reaction to everything, or will her actions inevitably tie her to the games in a really cool way? I'm not quite sure but I'm in love with the potential.
I love worldbuilding that has to do with watching the games and stuff because it allows for some dynamism with the submitted characters and how the games turn out so overall im super excited for this subplot. Demaro seems like he could like either the unlikely sidekick of this journey or the villain we knew all along so that's interesting. i cant say I quite like him like I like Vesper but hell definitely be entertaining to follow throughout this whole um... ordeal.
anyhow I thought id leave off here before I catch myself losing more time on this paper (and quiz till I forgot about till now holy shit lol) but super duoer into what you're doing so far and I cant wait for more prologues. i shall be reading them all wrapped up in a blanket next to my heater with dim lights. why? because that's what this deserves LOL.
xavi :)

Hey Maggie! I AM HERE I AM QUEER AND I AM READY TO REVEIW MY PERHAPS FAVE PROLOGUE IN AN SYOT? I a perfectly aware I ought to be working on my jane eyre paper (six pages I don't wannnnaaaaa) but I put this on my checklist cause you def deserve props for this. here's the tea, I often promise subs before I actually read an author's style but I wanted to make sure I was vibing with the writing before subbing AND HOLY SHIT. it's literally so good. I knew that I HAD to submit. I was up till like four in the morning figuring out my concept with Will last night and I am so excited for you to read. scared cause d1f is hellza competitive but I CAN DO IT (at least I'm telling myself this). anywayssssssssssssss to the prologue!
Now I read this yesterday so forgive me if I both details lol.
Vesper is such a cool central character to choose for your prologue to center around! I feel like everyone goes for victors, presidents, and the like but a high-profile news reporter/writer is really cool. gives her certainly a unique perspective on things and allows her story to take us to cool places outside of the Gamemakers room. I'm definitely curious as to how she will affect the overall verse yanno? Like what is her tie into these games? will she be guiding us through the capital's reaction to everything, or will her actions inevitably tie her to the games in a really cool way? I'm not quite sure but I'm in love with the potential.
I love worldbuilding that has to do with watching the games and stuff because it allows for some dynamism with the submitted characters and how the games turn out so overall im super excited for this subplot. Demaro seems like he could like either the unlikely sidekick of this journey or the villain we knew all along so that's interesting. i cant say I quite like him like I like Vesper but hell definitely be entertaining to follow throughout this whole um... ordeal.
anyhow I thought id leave off here before I catch myself losing more time on this paper (and quiz till I forgot about till now holy shit lol) but super duoer into what you're doing so far and I cant wait for more prologues. i shall be reading them all wrapped up in a blanket next to my heater with dim lights. why? because that's what this deserves LOL.
xavi :)
1/5/2021 c1
HI MAGGIE! Bruh this is so fucking exciting to me I have deadass been waiting for this from the moment i met you all those months ago and now it is here! BRUH!
OKAY HELLO VESPER! i simp for the name and also… you are so good at the writing like you just explain everything so good. I just very much understand who Vesper is and you are just giving me everything I want with her and she is even a redhead. I just love her energy. I want a vesper vencel special interview before i die.
Ooh and festus seems like he is a very interesting dude. I kin him? OOOH BETTING ON VICTORS AND PLACEMENTS THAT IS SO SEXY?! wow why am i obsessed with you maggie (well i know why, you’re brilliant and hilarious and a great friend) BUT WOW i am living for this shit! Look at this smart smart man giving his tips. Listen to Festus y’all.
And I see there is a new gamemaker okay then go off i guess. I love ur names. And yes I am listening to this lore.
Fallen Falcon is such a cool name for a bar. I simp for Helena just out of prinicipal. I just feel like I should. we love the tipsy banter too! OOOHshe has the tea OH NO HE IS HERE MAGGIE I AM GONNA CRY WTF. ugh she really is too kind i have such a crush on her wtf. Gambling culture is such a neat thing to get into tho. I adore this. Yeah the festus lore is neat too. OOH and vesper and her humble beginnings yeah we stan a queen. OOH this commentary. NUTT
good lord i adored reading that so much. it was worth the wait and then some you are truly so gifted my friend. i adore you.
k im done now bye

HI MAGGIE! Bruh this is so fucking exciting to me I have deadass been waiting for this from the moment i met you all those months ago and now it is here! BRUH!
OKAY HELLO VESPER! i simp for the name and also… you are so good at the writing like you just explain everything so good. I just very much understand who Vesper is and you are just giving me everything I want with her and she is even a redhead. I just love her energy. I want a vesper vencel special interview before i die.
Ooh and festus seems like he is a very interesting dude. I kin him? OOOH BETTING ON VICTORS AND PLACEMENTS THAT IS SO SEXY?! wow why am i obsessed with you maggie (well i know why, you’re brilliant and hilarious and a great friend) BUT WOW i am living for this shit! Look at this smart smart man giving his tips. Listen to Festus y’all.
And I see there is a new gamemaker okay then go off i guess. I love ur names. And yes I am listening to this lore.
Fallen Falcon is such a cool name for a bar. I simp for Helena just out of prinicipal. I just feel like I should. we love the tipsy banter too! OOOHshe has the tea OH NO HE IS HERE MAGGIE I AM GONNA CRY WTF. ugh she really is too kind i have such a crush on her wtf. Gambling culture is such a neat thing to get into tho. I adore this. Yeah the festus lore is neat too. OOH and vesper and her humble beginnings yeah we stan a queen. OOH this commentary. NUTT
good lord i adored reading that so much. it was worth the wait and then some you are truly so gifted my friend. i adore you.
k im done now bye
1/5/2021 c1
A very interesting beginning, not the usual start with the Head Gamemaker! I'm already in love with the world building going on, I haven't seen much but it's certainly enough to draw me in! I liked Vesper and her personality, she came off as a very strong and confident person in herself. We got to see a little bit of her history through your writing as well as hearing her thoughts about Festus both in her mind and what she said vocally to Helena. I am already just a big fan of your style of writing so I'll definitely be submitting a tribute, so keep your eye out!
Very much looking forward to the next chapter!

A very interesting beginning, not the usual start with the Head Gamemaker! I'm already in love with the world building going on, I haven't seen much but it's certainly enough to draw me in! I liked Vesper and her personality, she came off as a very strong and confident person in herself. We got to see a little bit of her history through your writing as well as hearing her thoughts about Festus both in her mind and what she said vocally to Helena. I am already just a big fan of your style of writing so I'll definitely be submitting a tribute, so keep your eye out!
Very much looking forward to the next chapter!
1/5/2021 c1
Maggie! Hi!
First of all let me say that i’ve been looking forwards to this for a very long time. AND. IT. DID. NOT. DISAPPOINT. Wow! Just wooooooow! I’m so impressed? I didn’t expect anything short of excellent, but still, this is so damn good. The worldbuilding, the character work, the dialogue - it’s literal perfection.
Now let’s talk a little bit about Vesper Vencel. I love how we got to see her in both a professional and a more personal setting. She’s a very dynamic character, with lots of layers, and it was really nice how you showed off both her strengths and flaws throughout the chapter. That Festus dude though… idk what to think of him. He obviously uses his authority to boss people around, but then he seemed quite genuine in the second section? Vesper better watch out for him. Keep your friends close and enemies closer, I guess?
I can’t wait to see these plot points develop further down the road (a documentary about the corrupt world of betting in Panem seems super fascinating!), and to see the gamemaker intrigue next chapter!
I expect Cornelius and Placidia are about to throw down, and I’m here for it.
See you next time!

Maggie! Hi!
First of all let me say that i’ve been looking forwards to this for a very long time. AND. IT. DID. NOT. DISAPPOINT. Wow! Just wooooooow! I’m so impressed? I didn’t expect anything short of excellent, but still, this is so damn good. The worldbuilding, the character work, the dialogue - it’s literal perfection.
Now let’s talk a little bit about Vesper Vencel. I love how we got to see her in both a professional and a more personal setting. She’s a very dynamic character, with lots of layers, and it was really nice how you showed off both her strengths and flaws throughout the chapter. That Festus dude though… idk what to think of him. He obviously uses his authority to boss people around, but then he seemed quite genuine in the second section? Vesper better watch out for him. Keep your friends close and enemies closer, I guess?
I can’t wait to see these plot points develop further down the road (a documentary about the corrupt world of betting in Panem seems super fascinating!), and to see the gamemaker intrigue next chapter!
I expect Cornelius and Placidia are about to throw down, and I’m here for it.
See you next time!