Just In
for Possession of the Heart

8/9/2024 c11 10eye of the divine
I don't know if you're still active on here but I just want to say that I absolutely enjoyed every moment of reading this.

I only have a small thing I can comment upon for critique and it's the use of blocks in distance measurement. The UK doesn't use it and it's the only thing that zipped me back into reality when reading the fic. Other than that I loved every second.

All your characters are well fleshed out and their own person. They have motives and thoughts and all the things that make them well rounded and individual.

I love the fact you used British folklore and incorporated it well, it made sense and you did a great job at not making it the sole focus but rather a component that fit into reality.

I loved the fact you left it vague with Alice, we don't know her true motives for finding Oliver or if she ever managed it. In my head I feel like it is to keep the lands and peerage within the family.

I feel like the dark topics were handled with quite a bit of respect, the fact is that women really had very few rights in that time and it was a husband's perogative to do as he wished with her really shone through.

I really hope you write more about Barbosa in the future I'd like to see him and Moira's story develop.
3/13/2024 c11 FandommGirl
this is fantastic, I absolutely love it ! I can't wait to read more and I do hope there will be more
6/1/2021 c11 512Buckhunter
Once again, this story is amazing! Your characterization of Barbossa is so on par, better than I believe mine to be. Though Jack's always been my main focus, ever since the beginning of my time of writing POTC. But still, this is just awesome. You have so many beautiful lines in this story, especially this chapter.

It's been a fun journey, watching this story. It's something I didn't know I needed until I started reading it. I'm so proud of how far this story has come since the beginning. You're a great writer, don't ever doubt it! 3
5/7/2021 c10 Buckhunter
First off, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. My own grandmother's health is growing worse and I fear the day her time comes. I wish I knew what to say. Saying how sorry I am just doesn't feel like enough.

Secondly, I kind of like going off by just Moira's perspective. But, this is indeed your story and I do the same thing in my own. You do what you want with it.

As for this chapter, it was as great as usual. I especially like the detached grief in the beginning of the chapter, before Evelyn snapped on Alice. Though I think you should have focused a tiny bit more on the physical pain Moira probably felt after her time locked up. But, once again, this chapter was a fun read!
4/18/2021 c9 Buckhunter
So that's what happened to Walter's wife. Not too surprised, but yikes. I'm glad that he at least regretted it and it haunts him. Seeing as Moira would've died if it didn't. But wow. One step closer to figuring out what happened to Oliver.
Also, Evelyn to the rescue!

Nice writing, as always!
4/12/2021 c8 Guest
Kill this mother fucker! DO IT!
4/7/2021 c8 Buckhunter
It's really interesting to hear a little about Thomas's and Evelyn's backstory.

The "Tell him I died" was also pretty funny.

Oh my gosh, no. The ending of this chapter. Of course he caught them. Charlotte has to be okay.
4/5/2021 c6 AllLiesEnd
So many things happened in this chapter!

First off: The way you include real life people and places is amazing. It makes the story more real and relatable.

Second: When they played Grobenhäusern, I couldn‘t shake the feeling that I knew this game and since it originated from Germany I had to look it up (I am from Austria) and I was excited to see that I know a similar version which we call Färbeln. I lost a good amount of money at this game lol.

Third: The way you write Barbossa is just so charming. I think you did an amazing job with keeping him in character! Their conversation just flows so naturally and it is totally a Barbossa thing to brag about his stories haha. Really liked their interaction and I am looking forward to more!

And last but not least: The mystery of the wife. Why is Calypso interested in helping Moira finding Oliver and who is he and what happened to him? And why is the wife locked away to rot?

You got me really hooked with this story! I usually don‘t write reviews (because I am lazy lol) but your story is just amazing so far and I think you deserve to know that you do an amazing job!
4/5/2021 c5 AllLiesEnd
Oh the plot thickens! The mystery of the Magnus family. I wonder what is up with the child Oliver and his wife that „disappeared“. Gives me Jane Austen vibes, so I really like it and the way you write the interactions with Thomas and Evelyn are just great!
4/5/2021 c4 AllLiesEnd
So many revelations! I kind of expected them, espescially the one with the barmaid (and now I understand what you mean with a natural stopping point). Hmm the Calypso one is pretty interesting, let‘s just say that I am looking forward to the later chapters and how Moira and Calypso and hopefully her mother meet again!
4/5/2021 c2 AllLiesEnd
Oh yes! Moira going on an adventure! So excited to see what happens! I like the way you portray Moira, how you include her thoughts and feelings so precisely but not in a way that feels like drawing things out! Nice chapter!
4/5/2021 c1 AllLiesEnd
This sounds so interesting! I really like the rather tragic story of Moira so far and I love the setup for the mystery. Your writing has a nice flow! Probably going to binge read this!
4/4/2021 c7 Guest
Oh there's the asshole that I know and love. But hey here's the reason why I love Barbossa...he has more common sense than Jack! XD
3/27/2021 c7 Buckhunter
Uh oh. This sneak peak proves something bad's about to happen.
2/26/2021 c6 Buckhunter
You captured Barbossa's personality pretty well!

(I couldn't review twice, so I logged out to do so)
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