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for Is it wrong to try to be a hero in another world?

2/4 c3 Guest
This story is probably dead but making Shirou not use Kanshou & Bakuya just seems like an unnecessary nerf for the sake of it. Him gaining less excelia due to one shotting everything makes no sense since Aiz was basically doing the same as well due to Avenger and she's the record holder for fastest level up from 1 to 2 after Bell(who has a literal plot armour growth skill). The only stat I can logically see decreasing would be endurance due to not getting hit as much but in return he will gain more magic stat which is what he needs more of anyways.

Its not like Shirou would oneshot everything with it once he reaches the lower floors and despite leeching quite a bit of skill from Archer, he still isnt at his level so it would make more sense for him to continue using them to gain some real experience with them of his own and become more skilled then wasting time on trashy blades
4/25/2024 c6 2Potato-Sama69
Damn this guy got that CoreyxKenshin upload speed
4/25/2024 c4 Potato-Sama69
4/17/2024 c6 Guest
Looking at Rose's design she can totally pass off as Shirou's older sister if you ignore the difference in race
4/14/2024 c2 Arctic Fox 322
Considering Excella gain rate increase is written separately for heroic actions so does he get that 4 times normal gain rate along with whatever gain rate it has while doing something heroic? That could be broken depending on how high is the growth rate is tho then again it's not like he will get that many opportunities to act heroic and take advantage of it in the first place
10/14/2023 c4 12The Mad Mystic
Gonna be honest, half the shit so far feels like it's unnecessarily nerfing Shirou and nothing else.
I know it's typical in the fate community to wank servants to death and back, all while ignoring the humans fighting them directly, but... This just disappoints me. Whether or not people like to admit it, even if we ignore all physical feats involved, shirou was able to react to the weapons from the Gate of Babylon. By the end of the UBW route, he is absolutely a monster and I really wish more fics showed that. Especially when so much of the fun of these crossovers is that the nature of the crossover, danmachi having much easier magic, eliminates the main problem shirou has, that being magic capacity.
7/2/2023 c6 rudinboyver20
I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!I need more!
6/18/2023 c3 1Whyso Tizz
I’ll be very honest, this story is a real slog to go through. I hope you find yourself a beta because your English is not good and it reflects on how you do your dialogue and narration. It’s clunky and tends to throw readers off.
6/9/2023 c6 Lannart
me gusto bastante el cap, gracias
yo estoy de acuerdo en que un harem es poco realista asi que voy por el emparejamiento unico .No fan harem
Shirou obtendra la habilidad de hacer espadas de muramasa? pienso eso como una posibilidad dado que puede que la habilidad de herrero se complemente con UBW.
6/9/2023 c5 Yog-sothsoth
Thank you for "only one girl" comment. There is no such thing as realistic harem
6/9/2023 c4 Yog-sothsoth
Now I ship him with Ryuu. Thank you
6/5/2023 c2 Guest
Shirou shouldn't suffer due to the increase in age of god mana level is less than the mana in a reality marble as stated by Merlin in shirou fought archer and gil in the reality marble then simply being in age of gods area shouldn't reduce his combat ability.
6/7/2023 c6 3NuclearNachos
Loved this story! Looking forward to more!
6/5/2023 c2 Guest
Sighs,no age of god mana doesn't mean shirou is gonna get weakened.

in babylonia singularity Merlin says that mana in a reality marble is far denser than age of shirou can fight gil and archer in ubw that excuse kinda falls apart.

And no,shirou when wielding np should be servant level who can destroy small countries with just thier bare stats.
6/6/2023 c6 GoPoe
Wish there was more. Keep up the good work Mr. Author.
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