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for Is it wrong to try to be a hero in another world?

1/10/2021 c1 FabledLife
The word 'Prana' erks me and that it isn't actually a fanon term but an error in translations of the anime that people started to use for their stories.

This looks like a good start unlike all the other Fate X Danmachi stories with Shirou in it as those stories are either dropped, just started, or have some of the facts with Shirou being somewhat OOC.

Also, if you're interested, you can check out my fanfiction profile to some precise Fate facts that I did a lot of research on, or just PM me for more info and help.

P.S. You spelled 'Grail' wrong in the summary 'Grial' and missing the word 'up' between 'ending' and 'falling'.

Good luck!
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