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for Who're you calling lesbians?

2/11/2021 c2 6ZeroTheOne
This is starting to sound less and less about them proving there straight and more like they genuinely want to help Jaune which is good
2/11/2021 c2 Gh0stSpartan
Interesting experience seeing into the minds of Jaune, Yang, and Blake. I look forward to seeing more of this story.
1/12/2021 c1 Guest
Maybe have a beta reader go over the chapter to help the story move smoother. Other than that, interesting concept and I'll be waiting for more.
1/12/2021 c1 Guest
To bad this is rated K plus as I can imagine their attempts getting more and more intense to the point of straight up having a threesome with him only for him to lie there and brood the entire time.
1/12/2021 c1 Guest
Same “guest” that talked about gay characters in media.

I should mention that I haven’t watched everything after season 3 but I did watch many different clips so I could have missed something in the show. However, when white rose and bumblebee started, at the time it was like if someone shipped me and some other person because they were my lab partner in chemistry. (Will admit, a friend actually jokingly did this to annoy us)
1/12/2021 c1 Guest
Yeah I can see them getting fed up. I mean, not to hate on homosexuals (this kinda goes for heterosexuals too but recently it seems to happen more often with the former) but I’m kind of sick of seeing people ship characters together because they spoke to each other, looked each other in the eye, or hell, just shared a frame together (I have seen some stories in the past that actually gave a good narrative and wrote characters, who canonically aren’t gay, as being gay, I but did it well). I mean, had they gone in fully intending said characters to be gay (not sure if Monty intended for that, I feel RT really ruined the series with some of their decisions) and wrote it in a (good*) way that ACTUALLY implied that they would be going into a relationship I’d be way more forgiving.

*note: I don’t mind gay characters at all really (I actually have a few friends who are gay and they are quite chill and actually agree with me on this) but I don’t like games or shows that just randomly toss in a couple gay characters. Give them a good story. And not just “oh they got in a relationship cuz they passed each other in the hallway”.
1/11/2021 c1 MKFire
This could use some work in writing. Namely adding spaces after all the commas. The descriptions are okay though could be expanded upon and it would be great to see the characters thoughts written more in-depth. Also avoid runon sentences.

Quick question, why are both Yang and Blake courting Jaune? Wouldn’t Yang want to pursue Jaune herself and prove she is straight by doing that. Having both do it seems redundant.
1/11/2021 c1 Guest
I mean, Blake is Bisexual, and there's absolutely no heterosexual explanation for Yang, so...

Nice story anyway. Could have done with a little proofreading, for sure, but whatever.
1/11/2021 c1 Guest
Quotation marks and apostrophes are the words you were looking for not inverted commas. Hope this helps a little
1/12/2021 c1 LousGndiner
After your commas, put a space
1/12/2021 c1 X3runner
It’s a little funny plenty heartwarming and a bit cute I dig it I hope you lean into the potential comedy later
1/12/2021 c1 0akarigan0
Buen inicio, espero con ansias el próximo capítulo muchas gracias.
1/11/2021 c1 30The-Prodigious-One




*Onyx Gabriel*

Hi there reviewers! Thank you all for reviewing(man that word looks so weird even tho I spelled it correctly) those of you whose usernames are mentioned above and then I'd also like to thank those who favorited and followed this fic as well as favorited and followed me,man just this morning after 0100 when I posted this specific fanfiction I didn't know that it'd get so many Follows and Favorites,I was honestly quite sceptical if this would get even a single Favorite and or follow because of the lack of actual quality(well in my own eyes the quality is kinda lacking) but lo and behold I got many more Favorites and Follows for this fic after such a short amount of time than I had ever gotten for any one fic on Fanfiction sorry I speak English so much better than I write it,hence,my poor grammar) so hey I'm just overjoyed because of the amazing response to this so it is much appreciated! Now onto the last thing,I will respond to all the reviews at the author's note at the bottom of the next chapter so if you would kindly wait until then to get your reviews answered,it will be much appreciated and thank you all again!
1/11/2021 c1 Zathol
I find the idea interesting. I can imagine people do get fed up with being labeled or people just assuming things that isn't there business. I think Jaune at this point while being that emotional is a bit to much. Maybe he would be a bit envious or hurt with how easily Ruby assimilated back to her team. Maybe Jaune, Nora, and Ren would feel a bit taken for granted here.

He believes that everything isn't his fault even when everything he does hasn't been in any way his fault. He may have lost his focus during the fight but who else didn't screw up? Weiss injury was her own mistake. She had her back completely to the enemy and just like everyone in the show who has the capability to dodge bullets and fast attacks should have been able to dodge a spear. Not to mention she didn't have her aura up at all despite being around enemies.

Pyrrha actions were also arrogant even if she did them with good intentions. She didn't need to go up there. She fought someone who defeated someone who was way stronger and more experienced then her. She could have ran away.

It's been a while though and Jaune should not have spiraled into that level of breakdown as he still has had his team and ruby there even with the moments of private training.

I think this would be something Yang could come up with but she would also need something else not to mention more insight into Jaune's current mentality. She could relate quite a bit because of her own breakdown and time alone with the loss of her arm. So I can see her coming to this conclusion if she had a bit more personal reasoning. Maybe seeing something before all this showing something was wrong with Jaune.

Blake to would be a different story as I doubt she would be to bothered by rumor of her preferred sexuality. She would need a bit more desire for Jaune herself and not just sympathy. After all if it was just about supporting and comfort then I can see both girls agree for a friend but an actual romantic relationship?

Like it was mention how Jaune doesn't really give either girls much attention that it could be brought up that they are more along the lines of acquaintances. So unless Blake already had a personal liking to Jaune I doubt she would have been so quick to agree.

In saying that, I think while Yang would consider something like this and Blake might consider it, both girls need a bit more emotional reasoning to agree. Let alone share him.

There actions might just shift from being lesbians to being bi-sexuals since they are both courting him with some figuring that they both liked him but like each other so decided to have a three way relationship.

I think it would have made more sense to have both girls try to comfort him and then both separately thinking about how others view them as lesbians and decided they can court Jaune to not only prove them wrong but also help him. Only to find out both had the same idea and are fully intentioned to court him and eventually do find love for him as they actually get to know him.

I don't think he needs to be this emotionally hurt to accomplish the result.

Any additional struggles could be anything as well. Maybe how he feels as a leader following Ruby and now back to being the leader of his team. Wondering if Ren and Nora still consider him their leader or if they and himself are just going to follow Ruby with not real intentions of having an opinion on what they all go from here.

I like the idea but it seems a bit to spur of the moment and it would be easy to see this version of Jaune who is depressed and two girls who while focused on helping Jaune are also doing this to prove to others that they aren't interested in each other in that way or in female in general.

Also I don't think Yang would care either and would just straight up tell everyone that she isn't gay.

I do like the idea to. Everyone focuses so much on the LGBT thing that it takes away from the characters and story. In a way the fans and writers who bend over backwards about it have done the same thing as this stories premise. They make the characters to be lesbians or some such to cater to the fans or the original concept that their would be such aspects in this series even though it was never mentioned by how much.

It's annoying. The series focused more on bonds and friendships yet slowly changed into this wonky hype over pairings. Even if it affects the characters poorly.

So Yang and Blake are apparently gay or bi-sexual not because of their characters or interaction but because of what the viewers perceive. No different then what Yang in this fic is currently experiencing. Others think she is gay so she must be.

Is she actually bi-sexual or gay in the series? Don't know and don't care. But I think this story idea needs a bit more planning and a bit more foundation for the characters to actually pursue this plan of theirs while Jaune needs a bit of fixing. He doesn't need to be in a spiral of depression especially when he does in fact have the support of his team and the other even if not at that very moment. Not like he can hide his sadness all the time and someone will notice and act on it even if not right away.

Sorry for the heavy criticism. I like the idea, it just didn't seemed planned out properly. There are things to consider if you want to bring some level realism of a relationship even if to our views having two girlfriends isn't considered real and is more considered cheating or unfaithful. Otherwise it could be considered a crack fic or smut.

Give both girls some reason to actually pursue Jaune outside of comfort and it will give both girls some depth into their actions that isn't just to due away with people thinking them lesbians. Because otherwise they are really just using Jaune's own pain as an excuse for choosing him in the first place when they could choose any random male baring Ren where as Nora probably won't react very well.

Again like the idea but needs work. Not disappointed at all either as the idea is a good one to think about. Who wouldn't be frustrated a bit when people are labeling you because of their own assumptions. People like to assume things and believe it. An people should never just assume anything without some actual evidence to back it up.

When did people forget that two girls or two guys could be close and still be just friends? The one thing I dislike about the LGBT crap. Lot of labeling, lot of assumptions, and a lot of flames for anyone who isn't with them then they are against them. Really sad when sexuality became a literal your a jedi or a sith. choose your side and forever be considered hostile from the other faction.

Catchy title by the way. Made me go, "Oh what's this? Oh looks interesting."
1/11/2021 c1 22EternalInternalScreaming
You should use the dedicated line breaks instead of !'s
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