Just In
for Mass Effect: Per Tenebras Lux

4/4 c1 16Henry James Locker
solid first chapter so far.
10/4/2022 c1 2Sesshomaru's Angel Bride
What happens next? More!
12/28/2021 c1 1valkrus
so what happens? We got 1 chapter then dead silence for nearly a year now
12/7/2021 c1 UNSC ODST
Interesting story concept, I like the alternative technology path for having an upsetting element to the ME status quo. I hope you continue the story, I'm very curious to see how it unfolds
11/26/2021 c1 Tautomer
I like your idea (first contact OP humanity are my favourite).
A little bit of criticism: I don't think that an experienced officer would decide to attack one of the newly discovered aliens, even though one of the groups is obviously hostile. It would make more sense (in my oppinion), if the commander waited for the "squids" to take hostile actions against humans. Maybe, if an AI managed to create translators, the commander could broadcast something along the lines of: "this is human territory, etc., power down your weapons or we will open fire." Or just wait for the "squids" to attack them as well. It would give the commander a valid reason to basically begin a war with new species.
That said, I am looking forward to the next chapter. Hopefully it won't take years :)
8/11/2021 c1 22vmoneywashere
I hope you haven’t abandoned this work. It is very interesting.
2/23/2021 c1 Huglord
I am already hooked can't wait for more
2/4/2021 c1 Theoutcast100
I like it. It's got some potential.
1/31/2021 c1 Tom712
1/28/2021 c1 MM
Element Zero?
1/28/2021 c1 Sorentia
Must... Have... Maor!
Sorry, the story just made me stupid with it's stupidly high quality and interesting take on things. I'll be watching this with avid interest and once I remember my password, I'll log in and make comments on all the chapters.
1/30/2021 c1 4jabbarulez
Interesting start! What's the weight/wield of humanities MAG rounds?
1/30/2021 c1 Demonic goat
cant wait to see what you do with this.
1/28/2021 c1 10Junior VB
Interesante idea.
Interesting idea.
1/27/2021 c1 bluemarlin
Good start to this story. Looking forward to more.
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