Just In
for Nature versus Nurture

5/8/2024 c3 1GrayValkyrie
Yo, pm me your paypal, i would totally be willing to buy you a pizza or something if you continue writing this
10/31/2022 c1 Guest
Found a screenshot of a paragraph of your first chapter because I liked it so much and came back to this. Hyd?
4/24/2022 c3 Fuck Names
4/24/2022 c1 Fuck Names
This is good. Good with the capital G and italics.
12/7/2021 c1 GrayValkyrie
Looking forward to what you've planned
12/6/2021 c1 1PercyJacksonWorstNghtmare
I really like dark Percy stories, and this is already looking really good :)

keep it up!
7/24/2021 c2 Guest
Damn, that Setup is very interesting.
7/25/2021 c2 4BeserkerWolf101
Are there going to be pairings in this story cuz if so just plz don't make it a average percabeth
7/20/2021 c1 BeserkerWolf101
2/19/2021 c7 1OURcade
Hey man, I've noticed that you haven't posted in a while. I just wanted to encourage you in case you're feeling stressed out. You're a great writer, you're writing a great story. Relax a bit if you need to, and most importantly, make sure that you're enjoying what you're writing. If you're having fun, then everything else will fall into place. Have a great day!
2/17/2021 c1 Mike2020
Just found this story and love it. Keep it up!
2/10/2021 c7 RageSage
Your story is awesome! Love your take on Dark Percy! Great chapter, can't wait for the next one!
2/9/2021 c7 1GrayValkyrie
That friendship idea is great and I wouldn't have something against it if he would just be a loner in terms of a relationship. Also, nice chapter
2/8/2021 c7 1Reaping Shadow
This is seriously the best attempt at a dark Percy story i have seen in a long time, please keep up the frankly amazing writing. I can't wait to read more. I gotta ask tho, what is the pairing going to be and where does the reference of praetorians come from?
2/6/2021 c5 smithy
Damn, this is awesome!
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