Just In
for Seeing a Future

4/9 c3 1Abigail Guerrero
Wow I love it
2/17 c3 Batmanwolf738
Please update
11/5/2023 c3 noam44242
Please do more this is great
3/31/2023 c3 Kris L
This story has soooo much potential - why have you abandoned it?

...have you considered cutting ahead to showing what the characters do after they finish watching the shows and return to their respective 'present days'? Because let's face it, that's more important than watching the characters watching every single episode and reacting to every single line of dialogue. Also, it would be easier for you. :)
4/2/2023 c1 NA12345
I love this story, good job.
6/11/2022 c3 Guest
Muy buen capitulo, espero con ansias el siguiente
5/5/2022 c3 1godric777
nice, please update
2/28/2022 c1 Panther-Strife
please don't pair Oliver with Felicity, they were a mistake caused by toxic fan's.
11/23/2021 c2 Guest
I love how Moira thinks her CFO in her house would look normal, and him making himself just athome, like dude dosent take a genius to know
11/17/2021 c3 Guest
Welp looks like didn't get the next chapter
10/4/2021 c1 Guest
Too many characters, this would have been better if just one show was used, not all of them.
9/26/2021 c3 Guest
Great story I hope you get back to it
9/19/2021 c3 ElectricDragonSemblanceHunter
Can’t wait for the next chapter!
9/5/2021 c3 Guest
Please update this story soon.
7/26/2021 c3 311hjones
Can you update when you can please.
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