1/21 c25 Guest
more plis
more plis
12/15/2024 c22 AvirRapter
I finally pushed myseld to get to this chapter after stopping at 20 last year.
You have no idea how happy I am that this portion of Lancer's story has been the way it is. Or how glad I am that it didn't leave off at such a bad end (not in terms of quality, of course). I don't think I can quite handle another downwards slope on this roller coaster, especially considering that I'm still as attached to Fate In-Time and Alternative Records as I seem to be.
I finally pushed myseld to get to this chapter after stopping at 20 last year.
You have no idea how happy I am that this portion of Lancer's story has been the way it is. Or how glad I am that it didn't leave off at such a bad end (not in terms of quality, of course). I don't think I can quite handle another downwards slope on this roller coaster, especially considering that I'm still as attached to Fate In-Time and Alternative Records as I seem to be.
11/28/2024 c25 Terracotta Tortilla
Glad that at least one of them put down Morgan. Sorry is never going to cut it for even half of the stuff she did in canon, in this story she's even worse of a person. Straight up stealing people and then stealing their memories, nothing is sacred to the thief.
Mordred's existence is already an unjustifiable act depending on who you ask, Morgan just adds on more and more the longer they let her live
Glad that at least one of them put down Morgan. Sorry is never going to cut it for even half of the stuff she did in canon, in this story she's even worse of a person. Straight up stealing people and then stealing their memories, nothing is sacred to the thief.
Mordred's existence is already an unjustifiable act depending on who you ask, Morgan just adds on more and more the longer they let her live
10/26/2024 c25 Guest
Urgh I do love the story and premise, but man do I hope there are satisfying resolutions for all parties (not that they necessarily have to be happy ones, although one can hope). While the memory tampering that occurred for Saber Alter felt fine, the Lancer Alter Shirou’s memory erasure, combined with the rest of the arc and the way it seems to be playing out kinda feels a little contrived as a way to inflict despair. (I hope rather than what seems to be what will happen, he will regain his memories with Morgan gone and even if a showdown of some sort does occur, it will be one between Shirou and Lancer Alter rather than a half missing memory “Shirou”)
Urgh I do love the story and premise, but man do I hope there are satisfying resolutions for all parties (not that they necessarily have to be happy ones, although one can hope). While the memory tampering that occurred for Saber Alter felt fine, the Lancer Alter Shirou’s memory erasure, combined with the rest of the arc and the way it seems to be playing out kinda feels a little contrived as a way to inflict despair. (I hope rather than what seems to be what will happen, he will regain his memories with Morgan gone and even if a showdown of some sort does occur, it will be one between Shirou and Lancer Alter rather than a half missing memory “Shirou”)
10/8/2024 c25 ElCuartoMago
I've been reading Fate in Time for 3 years now, seriously the spin off isn't over?
I've been reading Fate in Time for 3 years now, seriously the spin off isn't over?
9/20/2024 c25 Guest
8/9/2024 c25 Guest
Fascinante, tengo demasiada intriga del siguiente cap, ojalá y sigas haciendo este grandioso trabajo
Fascinante, tengo demasiada intriga del siguiente cap, ojalá y sigas haciendo este grandioso trabajo
7/11/2024 c25 Geralcht
Either all of them have a bad ending, or none of them do.
I cannot accept Lalter be the only one who has to suffer. It's just not right.
We also have to think about this metacritically. In the Chaldea Alternative records timeline, what does her character serve as, in the greater narrative of viewing the Fate-In Time story in relation to the other Artorias. Simply being the "worst timeline" is just not acceptable.
Either all of them have a bad ending, or none of them do.
I cannot accept Lalter be the only one who has to suffer. It's just not right.
We also have to think about this metacritically. In the Chaldea Alternative records timeline, what does her character serve as, in the greater narrative of viewing the Fate-In Time story in relation to the other Artorias. Simply being the "worst timeline" is just not acceptable.
6/7/2024 c25
Morgan. Even while being the good guy in the equation, she still manages to fuck things up.

Morgan. Even while being the good guy in the equation, she still manages to fuck things up.
5/11/2024 c25 Guest
Nooooooooo ;-;
Nooooooooo ;-;
5/9/2024 c25 Name Entry
Shirou will die on the hands of lalter, or vice versa. even if morgan's spell was broken, all he can see is that it's his fault that mordred lost a mother and him his wife, arthuria not becoming king, and so he will sacrifice himself to be king. lalter's quest of revenge would also be for naught, for the people and knights will be against her since she turned her back on them to seek revenge.
there is no going back for both sides. hope will live on or die to the innocent beginning of Morded, daughter of shirou and morgan. if shirou lives, britain lives and hope lives on. if he dies, whose to say that mordred won't become bitter and overwhelmed with grief and revenge, thus ruining hope for britain over her quest of revenge?
time changes people, love changes people, even if through shoddy or ill means. most becomes better though love, others dont. even if morgan "stole" shirou, she changed to a better ruler for her people, all for love of her husband and child. EVEN THE KNIGHTS RALLIED TO HER, even if they have their differences to morgan
i just want you all to understand this.
Shirou will die on the hands of lalter, or vice versa. even if morgan's spell was broken, all he can see is that it's his fault that mordred lost a mother and him his wife, arthuria not becoming king, and so he will sacrifice himself to be king. lalter's quest of revenge would also be for naught, for the people and knights will be against her since she turned her back on them to seek revenge.
there is no going back for both sides. hope will live on or die to the innocent beginning of Morded, daughter of shirou and morgan. if shirou lives, britain lives and hope lives on. if he dies, whose to say that mordred won't become bitter and overwhelmed with grief and revenge, thus ruining hope for britain over her quest of revenge?
time changes people, love changes people, even if through shoddy or ill means. most becomes better though love, others dont. even if morgan "stole" shirou, she changed to a better ruler for her people, all for love of her husband and child. EVEN THE KNIGHTS RALLIED TO HER, even if they have their differences to morgan
i just want you all to understand this.
5/9/2024 c25 Guest
Welp, guess the fall of Camelot is still gonna happen, History is still on its natural course
Welp, guess the fall of Camelot is still gonna happen, History is still on its natural course