6/1/2022 c2 flyboy38
Are you going to continue this story or have you given up on it? Also I am going to guess that when the older gentleman said that our armed forces was a couple of hundred thousands soldiers that he was giving out misleading information to an enemy soldier. During that time our military force was about 3.5 million persons strong. Now we are under 1.5 million military personnel.
Are you going to continue this story or have you given up on it? Also I am going to guess that when the older gentleman said that our armed forces was a couple of hundred thousands soldiers that he was giving out misleading information to an enemy soldier. During that time our military force was about 3.5 million persons strong. Now we are under 1.5 million military personnel.
5/18/2022 c2 Murica1776
I hope you will still update this fic, can't wait to see the saderans get their asses kick.
I hope you will still update this fic, can't wait to see the saderans get their asses kick.
7/6/2021 c2 Arms Dealer
Roman Barbarian Just another Commie that need to be kill. Wait until they send a squadron of bomber to their capital dropping a huge load of incendiary/phosphorus/napalm.
Roman Barbarian Just another Commie that need to be kill. Wait until they send a squadron of bomber to their capital dropping a huge load of incendiary/phosphorus/napalm.
7/6/2021 c2 Arms Dealer
Since this is a Cold War era, why not bring some nukes and see how effective it is against isekai world? I don't mind if it is covert ops. Since Geneva Convention doesn't apply in that world. Special Region is a perfect target practice and a perfect place to drop some napalm, agent orange and air bombardment into kingdom come. Destroy every slave market to rescue American civilians and perhaps we gonna see a massecre of slave market mostly of slave owner/buyer/seller. War crime? I don't see anything. What war crime? "We're here to liberate this world from oppression and tyranny, right?"
Since this is a Cold War era, why not bring some nukes and see how effective it is against isekai world? I don't mind if it is covert ops. Since Geneva Convention doesn't apply in that world. Special Region is a perfect target practice and a perfect place to drop some napalm, agent orange and air bombardment into kingdom come. Destroy every slave market to rescue American civilians and perhaps we gonna see a massecre of slave market mostly of slave owner/buyer/seller. War crime? I don't see anything. What war crime? "We're here to liberate this world from oppression and tyranny, right?"
4/30/2021 c1 Clonetrooper4297
Sir how can you kill women and children?! Easy, you just don’t lead as much. -full metal jacket
Sir how can you kill women and children?! Easy, you just don’t lead as much. -full metal jacket
3/11/2021 c1 1DaDankPrince
Welp i can imagine a little napalm outta give them a few reasons why this invasion was a bad idea
Welp i can imagine a little napalm outta give them a few reasons why this invasion was a bad idea
3/1/2021 c2 ATP
Interesting,but knights used greatswords only on foot,never mounted.
Interesting,but knights used greatswords only on foot,never mounted.
3/1/2021 c2 29UH-60 NIGHTSTALKER
The Wall of text kinda threw me off, but i kinda worried now that you will drag the attack on New York much longer than it should be.
But still a good chapter
The Wall of text kinda threw me off, but i kinda worried now that you will drag the attack on New York much longer than it should be.
But still a good chapter
2/28/2021 c2 HMS Hood
Time to liberate them. USA! USA! USA! USA!
Time to liberate them. USA! USA! USA! USA!