9/29/2021 c7 kumar timalsina
Just so you know, this story contains sexually explicit content, meaning it really should be rated MA. MA-rated content has not been allowed on this site since 2002, meaning it violates the Rules & Guidelines we all agreed to when we signed up for accounts. Not saying you can't write it, but saying this just isn't the place for it. There are plenty of other sites that would gladly take it, including, but not limited to, AO3 and AdultFanfiction. You could also write a watered-down version to stay kosher with site rules and post an unabridged version on another site. Take these suggestions into consideration, as they will help you avoid issues with the rules in the future. Please understand, I say what I say in the spirit of what this site is about: making good stories great, if not brilliant.
Kumar Timalsina
Just so you know, this story contains sexually explicit content, meaning it really should be rated MA. MA-rated content has not been allowed on this site since 2002, meaning it violates the Rules & Guidelines we all agreed to when we signed up for accounts. Not saying you can't write it, but saying this just isn't the place for it. There are plenty of other sites that would gladly take it, including, but not limited to, AO3 and AdultFanfiction. You could also write a watered-down version to stay kosher with site rules and post an unabridged version on another site. Take these suggestions into consideration, as they will help you avoid issues with the rules in the future. Please understand, I say what I say in the spirit of what this site is about: making good stories great, if not brilliant.
Kumar Timalsina
2/24/2021 c4 CalmSuperior2002
wow that was quick! so how many chapter are you intended for this story? seems like the protagonist already conquered gensoukyou
wow that was quick! so how many chapter are you intended for this story? seems like the protagonist already conquered gensoukyou
2/24/2021 c1 CalmSuperior2002
this kinda reminds me of a similar story called "how to conquer gensoukyou with hypnosis" and it was great but sadly it was abandoned so I'm having little "not high" hope for this
this kinda reminds me of a similar story called "how to conquer gensoukyou with hypnosis" and it was great but sadly it was abandoned so I'm having little "not high" hope for this