Just In
for The League Summoner

2/12 c1 sanyammalhotra190
Vali's team isn't it!
2/2 c8 magamari
The story is good and thats coming from a non-lol player too... but still the breaks are too frequent and too random that i can barely keep up... i know u have more than 40 chapters left for me to read so i will keep reading to see if it got better but just wanted to let u know as ur story feels rushed and too quick that way. its like there is tension and then suddenly everything ended or i am hooked on how the situation will evolve and then suddenly its skipped.

I dont know how u want us to feel when we read but i just say it feels rushed. If u dont want to care about my opinion then so be it, i wont force u since if i dont like it in the future chapters i will just read something else which is why i say if u dont wanna consider this then its okay for me.

anyway thx for the story and later
12/30/2024 c54 2biginferno
I have enjoyed reading this and look forward to reading all chapters up till the very end of the story
11/4/2024 c54 KitsuneKat9
Miss this

Please continue ( T-T)
10/26/2024 c8 Demented Life
Loving the fanfic so far but I'm scared seeing it's not been updated in over a year.
Also excited to see the chaos Naruto brings with the league champion selection in the Rating game XD
9/30/2024 c54 alonsobricenooo76
Muy bueno, espero el próximo cap , ojalá no lo abandonen
9/26/2024 c54 Nuro309
This fanfic is very good

*Sits down to wait for a new chapter*
9/11/2024 c16 Glitner
kinda boring that he did not killed the fallen angel.. he almost killed his mom and stood there screaming he vould rape grayfia and what does the mc do when some random dude he never meet before shows up and say "you should not do that" and he be like " yes sir ofcourse sir" because you said so i obviously most do as you say it dont really matter if he almost killed my mom and treathen to kill everyone with death and rape because you who i never meet in my whole life said i should probably not kill him that is what i should do ... makes no sense... fucking simping bitch beta
8/16/2024 c54 Ryu wolf
Naruto and Akali should train wit minato and Kushina. Naruto’s parents have to tell him about his shinobi heritage
8/10/2024 c7 Pawn22
Please oh please tell me he can use are scare crow to kill his enemies.
7/31/2024 c54 Guest
hola, me gusta esta historia síguela por favor y su tu eres el autor de este fanfic The Uzumaki Phenex ( /s/11835279/1/The-Uzumaki-Phenex ) me gustaría mucho que la siguieras es muy interesante
6/27/2024 c46 demissedwaifu
The power levels are all over the place
6/14/2024 c28 Guest j
Great chapter.
I have a interesting idea for a story for Naruto x Highschool DXD
Have Naruto's secret gear is a Yu-Gi-Oh based on I don't know how it works
Maybe he can just summon only dragons types or any types from any of the series?
5/28/2024 c1 kratos264
Okay i get being bad but im pretty sure any teenager putting that kind of time in would atleast be gold….
10/28/2023 c54 Guest
Really want to see where this goes next
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