Just In
for Patience

8/6/2003 c1 14ThE KiDDo
i disappear for a while and look at you, you go gossipin' about me! hehe.. me divine? *blushes deep red* here goes my reputatiom *chuckles*. i can easily say 'right back atcha.' *grins*

glad you're back to writin' ^_^ and another great fic of yours is what i needed. keep up the good work, and i'll keep tracin' your ficcies down *moves to Mayumi's profile* Wow, i see that i got alot fics to read for tonight. *starts counting*
6/19/2003 c1 45Hana Rui
that was so kawaii! And no, there's no chance in heaven that I'll ever flame this one… though I must agree the title doesn’t seem to fit… don't ask me for a better one, though since I'm not good at that either =p

anyway, this fic is pretty light and easy to go through… it just so drives me to try and do something about my fic so it wouldn't be too confusing next time! And while I do that, you keep on writing ficcies as sweet as this one, ne? Ganbatte! ^_^

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