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for Force of Souls

8/29/2023 c22 carlos29
very good, is a fantastic story.
8/28/2023 c7 Guest
Isn't ichigos spirit pressure ment to be at least captain level probaly over double from a conversation between him and unohanna is that the case here but the quincy side of him is suppressing or sealing away the rest of his power cause it was mentioned in a previous chapter that he has the same amount of power as a high ranking seated officer and it doesn't really make sense when his father was a strong captain the hollow that fused with his shinigami powers is a strong vaste lord class and his mother was a quincy
8/26/2023 c22 ElementalMaster16
Awesome chapter! I love it.
8/20/2023 c22 Guest
What does mosho mean
8/20/2023 c20 Guest
Orihime always gave me a fairy princess vibe with shun shun rikka and I imagine her zanpakutou would take influence from that anther bankai being the fairy queen.
As for tatsuki with her personalty for some reason I always link her to a fire goddess.
And for Chad in cannon I always thought his full bring would evolve to cover his whole body augmenting all his physical abilitys a lot, with strength and endurance being the greatest giving off a diabloish vibe
8/21/2023 c22 4Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
AWESOME! I’m so happy everyone has their Zanpakutō now! And I also approve of the changes you’ve given and made to the Kuchiki’s!
8/20/2023 c21 1Randomguy0110100100110
But I digress
8/20/2023 c22 Randomguy0110100100110
Well in bleach I don't think Orihime has a "fake" smile since that's mostly the way kubo intended for her to come across.
8/20/2023 c22 fallendemon248
Glad to see orihime get her zanpakuto, wasn’t expecting all the changes to the kuchiki family but I’ll be interested to see what else you changed
8/19/2023 c22 DragonNOOB
Not going to lie the idea of Orihime not being a pacifist is very cool if not scary. Considering she has one of the most powerful abilities in the setting. I can hardly imagine what kind of insanity her bankai would ne. In grneral have been loving all of the changes from canon.
8/18/2023 c22 Guest
Awwwwwww! Rukia is an aunt!
8/18/2023 c22 AJGuardian
An ability that rejects reality
8/18/2023 c22 evilstatistic19
Good chapter looking forward to the next one. I predict that the soul society will have a horrible day that'll live in infamy.
8/18/2023 c22 3trollzor69
this makes me smile
8/18/2023 c22 djinn
great new chapter.
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