Just In
for Force of Souls

12/20/2023 c24 Dauntes
Just found this story, I'm enjoying it! Thanks for writing it.
12/16/2023 c24 evilstatistic19
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.
12/15/2023 c24 AJGuardian
Read that with Squidward's voice in my head.
12/15/2023 c24 Farhan Nugraha
Hope kuukaku had a technique like blasting barrage(bakusai soha) like krinmaru from yashshime
12/13/2023 c24 AnimeFan13579
Well was expecting about how this played out as well as the offer at end. As for the cannonball well at least this time Ichigo has a LOT more control on is power in comparison.
12/12/2023 c24 Robotdocter
im definitely lookin forward to more of this, i love the story concept a lot and really cant wait to see the fights :D
12/12/2023 c20 Robotdocter
i really really hope that the reason he was so easily able to use Kurohitsugi and the reason you emphasized its gravity manipulation during grand fisher is due to him being more attuned due to his zanpakuto being gravity based, thats such a fun concept if so :O
12/12/2023 c19 Robotdocter
i like the change of Rangiku being captain instead of Toshiro, regardless of how much of a prodigy he was or is, she had seniority and even her laziness doesnt really explain why she was skipped over after Isshin left, though its probably simply because she has no Bankai in canon (as far as i know) and couldnt really kill Isshin even if she wanted to, which she likely wouldnt have been.
12/11/2023 c1 Robotdocter
god i already love this, the one thing i always was so confused about was why tf nobody gave him an Asauchi.
i understand that its likely because of A: how would he get one and B: they may not have been a thing back in early bleach.
but i also really think part of it was to leave room for zangetsu to be broken so easily since it was just a spirit weapon and not a real zanpakuto.

first chapter, you give him one and im already hooked, havent seen that very many times in the several years ive been reading fics, def lookin forward to more :O
12/9/2023 c24 Guest
Finally! I’ve been waiting forever! “Oh no she’s hot!” lol! And kukaku and Yoruichi show interest in ichigo that’s great hope a few more girls are added. Great chapter hood to have you back on this one. I hope for more updates on this story cause it’s one of my absolute favorites. Can’t wait for the next chapter. Till next time later man. Peace.
12/9/2023 c24 djinn
great new chapter.
12/10/2023 c24 fallendemon248
Damn that Shiba charm is ridiculous, even when a woman, a woman from the Shiba clan is aware of it, she still gets caught by it
12/10/2023 c24 21Yami Luna Kitsune
LOVE this chapter

hope kukaku gets her arm restored

i agree with kukaku, what's with that side of the family and the moon names? isshin has ENgetsu, canon ichigo has ZANgetsu, THIS ichigo has SHINgetsu

youruichi, i understand, but his cousin?

VERY eager for the next chapter
12/9/2023 c24 fresh prince1
nice chapter and I'm looking forward to what happens next.
12/9/2023 c24 northrigg
I can see that aizens plans to have the gang split up when they enter the barrier, to use then as a distraction. But it will be even more hilarious if the gang stayed together when landing and causes even more distraction by folding even more captain whit theire division to the cause of freeing rukia.
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