Just In
for Let Us Be

7/9/2021 c1 Guest
So we'll written,that it brought tears to my eyes. Love your beautiful descriptive writing. ️
3/15/2021 c1 Guest
Excellent story, very well written and inspiring to those of us who dearly wish. Elizabeth and. Nathan to marry and in so doing, will be very happy together and so will Allie and little Jack. Well done. You're writer
3/14/2021 c1 Nsnash
It was a very touching story. The love Nathan and Allie have for each other is wonderful. Nathan took Allie in when she had no one, that’s a huge sacrifice for a single man. I loved the part with Elizabeth and I’m hoping she does eventually say something similar to this to Elizabeth to hopefully shock Elizabeth back to reality and her true feelings.
3/13/2021 c1 7Elle018
I really enjoyed the backstory to this! And it’s just crying out to be a two-parter where you can share your vision of the resolution of the inquiry and how Elizabeth and Allie come to be waiting together for Nathan. Pleeeeease?
3/13/2021 c1 SaSeLi777
Maintiens le Droit
Maintiens le Droit [Fr, "Uphold the Right"], the official motto of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE.
www. thecanadianencyclopedia. ca...
Maintiens le Droit The Canadian Encyclopedia
3/13/2021 c1 Guest

I enjoyed your story. I do have a comment about the Mounties moto. The correct translation is : Defending the law. The French word droit can mean a few things like law, right or straight (as in not curved).

France Trudel
3/13/2021 c1 8Missela
I like the back story that you created. Poor Allie is hurting.
3/13/2021 c1 SaSeLi777
I’m happy you gave us those feelings between Nathan and Allie! I was delighted to hear of Nathan’s education! I’ve never thought of him as anything except highly intelligent! He is simply quiet with it, preferring not to show off!

I’m glad Allie told Elizabeth to leave them alone! I hope she hears it from several different people... including Bill! Stop toying with their emotions, Elizabeth!
3/13/2021 c1 Guest
I think you did a fine job of capturing Allie's worry for her uncle, and what he must be going through with the inquest. You also did a great job with the building of the relationship between Bill and Nathan.
That is something that would be nice for the writers to stress more in the actual series.
3/13/2021 c1 Guest
These insights into Nathan are wonderful! So nice to read of his extra education & of how he has stood strong, though alone, against the misunderstandings of his fellow Mounties when he put family first. His strength of character is admirable & what a blessing he is to Allie!
How I love Bill's loyalty & friendship to Nathan. Precious to see how meaningful their relationship is to each other, & how loved Nathan feels in the HV community. How he needs that! Grateful he went to God's word for a verse to hold onto & closed his day with prayer.
You illustrated Nathan & Allie's bond so nicely through the normal daily activity of her love demonstrated by preparing breakfast & sharing together. Right now Nathan has two loyal & loving supporters in Bill & Allie, & the Lord is by his side.
Grateful Allie has the loving support of her schoolmates/friends, but not surprised Allie heard little during class & hurried out.
Unfortunately, it appears Mrs. Thorton has not shown concern for Nathan or Allie during this crisis. She seems to be making flimsy excuses about complications & seems clueless as to why Allie is so hurt, worried & upset with her. Sadly, this is not the compassionate, sensitive teacher we've known & I can only hope Mrs. Thornton will wake up soon & realize how her behavior is hurting others.
Your story is true to what we have seen in S-8 & well-written. Thank you!
Please continue to fill-in the blanks for us going forward!
3/13/2021 c1 Jacki Foster
I loved this! I love how Allie is always there to back up Nathan, as he is always there for her! I liked that she told Elizabeth her true feelings(as I would like to tell Elizabeth my feelings)! And I love the friendship between Bill and Nathan! It was so endearing how Bill thinks of Nathan like a son, also! Nathan definitely needs someone in his corner fighting for him right now! I really enjoyed reading this, and I hope that you do more!
3/13/2021 c1 Guest
3/13/2021 c1 SaSeLi777
Wow! Glad Nathan took those courses, glad Bill is on his side, and glad Allie and Nathan are communicating! Elizabeth needs to stop messing with their bruised and broken hearts!

I’m really glad Bill sees Nathan like a son! Son trumps mentor any day, Hargraves!

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