Just In
for Get me out of here!

8/3/2023 c10 adamharithzulkefli1
Higher beings hating on your guts? Right on the money there
3/13/2023 c10 1nantono
3/13/2023 c9 nantono
3/13/2023 c5 nantono
3/13/2023 c4 nantono
3/13/2023 c3 nantono
3/13/2023 c2 nantono
3/13/2023 c1 nantono
4/18/2022 c10 AcceleratorStrongestLv5
Nice work
11/20/2021 c10 Degenweeb
Nice story, can't wait for the next chp :)
11/18/2021 c10 1Crusada de Lata
Hope you return to this, I can really see a solid character arc for Grave! Overcoming his past and finding a girl he can trust while travelling through the world of MGE sounds amazing. Have a good one!
10/22/2021 c10 15Vanessa Masters
Stoic one? It won't help you much, when I get my tail on you," She said and opened her tail, exposing the pink flesh inside it. "So, how about you surrender, before it gets messy?"

"How about you go fuck yourself?" He spat out, while the monster frowned.

"Hard way it is!" She roared and fired another barrage.

This time he wasn't so lucky and one of the spikes pierced his left thigh, making him growl. He felt the venom flowing into his body, only for it to be neutralized as the filters in his heart took care of it. Who would have thought that being a heartless bastard was so beneficial? He sure as hell didn't. The Manticore grinned, only for her smile to fade, the man not reacting to her venom.

"Why aren't you having a massive erection right now?" She asked, confused.

"As if I would tell you why!" He roared and rushed forward.


Luckily he's not a human, so the venom doesn't effect him.

Damn, seems he's just a magnet for hungry monster girls.
10/21/2021 c9 Vanessa Masters
Lol straight to it, she knows he's a virgin, a lonely thirty year old virgin lol

Awww he gave her his badge.
10/4/2021 c10 Guest
You alive, dude?
10/4/2021 c10 Guest
Given the length of time since the last update, I strongly suspect this fic might be dead... however, on the off-chance the author ever has plans to continue, Just a quick heads-up-

Apparently, the original creator for MGE - or, someone 'claiming' to be him, at least - has decided to throw a hissy fit over the 'misuse' of his creations, & is now putting pressure on the site admins to have certain stories taken down; namely, those that allow violence against his beloved "waifus"... Apparently, several tales have already been struck down, including one of my favourites, The Good Hunter.

Basically, to anyone who happens to read this, I'd suggest making a back-up of this & other MGE themed stories, just in case... 'Cos, until Kenkou decides to stop acting like a lil' b*tch, there's no telling WHO might be next for the chop..!

Side note - seriously, just how thin-skinned do you have to be to get this butthurt over a freakin' FANFICTION..?!
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