Just In
for The Toilet Lady

4/14/2021 c1 unknown2351830163
Great job author, I really like your writing style. I suggest you join Novel Star's writing competition on April.
3/22/2021 c1 Cotesgoat
Hilarious! Christine is much too nice for toilet lady, though. I’m with Erik- let’s dump her in the lake!
3/23/2021 c1 11Batty Dings
This is super adorable but also so funny! Even better knowing the story behind it. Poor Christine! Poor Cat!
3/21/2021 c1 36SloaneDestler
Ahaha this is just perfect! Exactly what I needed right now XD
3/20/2021 c1 13catcorsair
Ahahahahhaha LUNA that was so perfect! It made my day so much better, thank you for writing this gem. Goddam Toilet Lady. A toilet in Every. Single. Room! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

(If only I had an Erik around to offer to throw my own toilet lady into the lake...)

3/20/2021 c1 shineyfire
I really want to know what Erik does with the Toilet Lady!
3/20/2021 c1 50Maze-zen
Hahah, this was perfect! "Erik yes!"
3/20/2021 c1 christina648
lovely story

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