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for BeingBrave (a challenge)

9/11/2022 c1 10bloomandgrow
Wow what an absolutely inspiring, motivating, empowering thing to do on ffn. Love, love, love the idea of taking on the #beingbrave mantra and supporting others to do the same. Thanks so much for encouraging all of us to take a step in a positive direction in our lives with this lovely, uplifting little one shot. I haven't read the chapter with Rilla's speech but I got a strong sense of it from what you have here.

My #beingbrave moment will be to talk to my family about an issue that has been troubling me for some time but I have tended to avoid because it is difficult and painful to address it. Thanks for giving me the motivation to go forward!
Take care
8/12/2021 c1 VirReturnsFromMinbar
Short but good.
5/3/2021 c1 5OriginalMcFishie
it was certainly an inspirational chapter of Twist that I found incredibly moving and I think you captured that well here. what I love about your story is thst in this case being brave is about opening up on something core to yourself and having the courage to be. Something we can all learn from. thanks fir sharing this xx
4/28/2021 c1 Mimiyuh
What an utterly ridiculously wonderful story! If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to or
3/26/2021 c1 6DrinkThemIn
Started the process about a month ago, but yesterday and today, with help from a healthcare team, I’ve put a plan together and put it in action to get me out of a pre-diabetic state. Now I need to be brave enough to get through it.
3/26/2021 c1 AnneShirley
I'd read Rilla's speech in Twist of Fate (where I am abjectly behind on reviews) and its meaning really resonated, especially when extrapolated to our current circumstances. I'd already decided to set myself two challenges in the way she suggested, and this story gave me the push I needed.

I've wanted to take an academic gap year after high school for awhile now, and with my graduation upcoming, I knew I had to tell my parents quickly before I had to start making decisions on colleges, though I'd already gotten into my dream course. So I did tell them, and they were surprisingly okay with it - I'm going to take some online courses and classes instead, trying to find a niche for myself.

I had also, for some time, wanted to come out as queer and nonbinary at my school, specifically to my teachers, who are somewhat conservative and not inclined to accept diverse sexualities or gender identities, but have been a huge support to me right through. So I wrote them an email, and my English teacher, who I really look up to, has just replied and wished me all the best.

So all in all, #BeingBrave has been lucky for me, and I'm actually glad and grateful because it gave me an impetus to do things I've been putting off as too scary or challenging. Looking forward to seeing how everyone else has been #BeingBrave.
3/25/2021 c1 3DW.618
I will start the #BeingBrave movement here... :-)

After ignoring an "elephant in the room" for far tooooo long, I took the first step today to work on changing the situation. Tears were shed, motivations were analyzed. But I have a few specific tasks to do as baby steps in my decision to move forward and remove this "elephant" from crowding my life. #BeingBrave

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