Just In
for It's the Beans!

11/5/2003 c5 6PotterAngel
good story, but in that last chapter I kind of got confused on whos point of view it was.good story anyway
8/22/2003 c3 cassgrl087
virgin sea?
8/22/2003 c2 cassgrl087
you should do one with lockhart. and the trio. but this is funny too
8/22/2003 c1 cassgrl087
someone was on a bit of a sugar high when writing this. haha. snapey reminds of lockhart. hehehe.
8/5/2003 c4 2Mugglebornwitch2
this story is funny lol!
7/25/2003 c4 A.J.H
Thats great. I can't wait to see what student is wrecking havoc. Hehehe. Love the quotes!
7/24/2003 c4 2HotDog-Jo

She's singing in the rain!

Just singing in the rain!

What a glorius feeling!

She's happy again!

I love this story!

I also REALLY love your quote at the end:

"Chances are, if your parents never had children, you won't either!"

Very cool, almost as cool as eskimo cheese, but not quite...
7/24/2003 c4 23Crookykanks
I have only one word for you. That word is "more" And that's an order!

^-^ (meow!)
7/23/2003 c4 6PotterAngel
please don't write with â & € it makes it hard to read.otherwise good story
7/8/2003 c3 PotterAngel
HaHaHa!*Evil Laugh* Its the beans! yay! Love the story!Later!

7/7/2003 c3 A.J.H
Very random. I love it. You should make Draco go crazy. The little git deserves it. lol.
7/5/2003 c3 23Crookykanks
HeeHeeHee, still as funny as always. Please, ma'am, I want some more! Update soon!

^-^ (meow!)
7/4/2003 c3 2HotDog-Jo
That has got to be one of the FUNNIEST things I have ever read! Man I love it! I'm adding it to my favorite stories list! This story is such an inspiration to me! It's wonderful weirdness will help me to hold on to my insanity, because being sane is just so boring! Love it! PLEASE write more more more! I think that You should make Lucius Malfoy take it, either that or Voldy or something like that! One of the EVIL guys! Yes that would be cool! I love it!
6/30/2003 c2 PotterPrincess
HAHAHAHAHA. that was the funniest fic i have ever read cassandra told me to come and read this and now i'm glad i did! that was great! :)


p.s. thnx 4 reading and reviewing my fic! :)
6/28/2003 c2 11Blue Crow
OMG! This story is really funny! Please add more chapters. Licking his knee, lmao! Ur a good writer!
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