Just In
for Emerald Dragon

2/8 c34 Fiction Haven
1/22 c55 k0327
this is a great story so far but at times based on their powers remind me of the old show Captain Planet and the Planteers. I look forward to more soon
1/18 c55 jack da
More chapters
1/12 c55 Lord Chronus
You should have had Momo land on someone from Team Avatar and have Harry or Toph say "Two on five". Just to mess with Sokka. That would've been hilarious.

For Harry's ATLA parents, I'm interested in what ideas you have for them. Will they be like James and Lily, slightly different names, but same faces, or faces of people from Harry's past as a wizard? Well, anyways, good job as always.

Lord Chronus
1/10 c33 rotmanshaked
1/5 c55 Sm1thy
Interesting chapter
1/1 c55 Edsu-Eji
Okay, I totally didn't expect to find a hidden gem like that. Definitely hope author doesn't abandon this work x)!
12/28/2024 c9 Editingisforlose
Hey, maybe take four seconds to edit before spewing this out, huh? Maybe stop switching tenses? They teach that to children.
12/28/2024 c55 bobdoleusa
JB - If the air was dusty (which Aang did point out), it's entirely possible Toph could have sensed Aang moving through it. If Avatar Kyoshi could 'dustwalk', then someone like Toph might be able to sense through it. Though given how difficult she has 'seeing' in sand, you'd probably need to fanwank pretty hard for her to 'dustsee'.
12/26/2024 c55 1Dirt Rider 712
I love this story! I actually had a backlog of a few chapters to catch up on, which was nice. I wish I had just one more though, so I could see what happens next!

Can’t wait! I really hope there is more Harry and Azula interaction

Dirt Rider
12/26/2024 c55 11forestwolf12
Honestly, with your author's note at the end, it would have been much funnier if Toph did catch it. But, when Aang would thank her, Toph would be like "That was 100% because of luck. I can't see in the air, remember?"
12/22/2024 c55 Shade
I know i made this review in chapter 54 but there is a delay so i know you wont reply to previous chapters but can you please make harry potter x hero inside crossover with mummy girl as the pairing its an interesting show
12/22/2024 c55 Fire turtle
Let me guess, Harry's parents are fiercely loyal to the fire lord and immediately sold him off/out the second he said that he didn't want to go into the military. Or perhaps the fire lord held their heads hostage and then he found out that they agreed to hide out in a "luxury prison" in exchange for money and getting their son the "honor" of obeying the fire lord. Or some other version where they don't care about their son they only care about serving the fire lord. How close am I? Also any chance we could get Harry making a bunch of small fiendfire snakes come out of his mouth?
12/22/2024 c54 Fire turtle
I don't have anything to say here other than I suggestion for sokka to have nightmares and Daydreams come a little early. Also I'm really really hoping that tough somehow invents bone bending with Harry's help.
12/24/2024 c55 whovian 2015
Brilliant chapter ad always JB! Happy Holidays!
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