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for RWBY V8 Ep14 Alternate Ending

4/25/2021 c1 WearyCurmudgeon
Nice to see an author who doesn't subscribe to the "Frodo has a light saber, so Sauron must get a Death Star" practice.

A light saber isn't that useful, if you're not a Jedi and it won't do you much good if you're outnumbered at least 40 to 1.

And on Remnant, the Grimm ARE the dominant species. There are more Grimm than there are humans and Faunus combined.

So the enemy doesn't really need plot armour for there to be conflict.

Also, there's many types of conflict (the Ace Ops loyalty thing for example) so the heroes pulling off a Pyrrhic victory wouldn't have been a setting shattering outcome.

And yes, even this AU technically counts as a Pyrrhic victory.

Atlas and Mantle are lost and with them the smaller settlements on Solitas have lost their protective umbrella. No more backup from the big cities.

So even with the population of the two evacuated, there's still going to be enough dead to equal or surpass Vale.

Haven and Beacon are gone as well. Leaving Shade as the sole academy left and Vacuo doesn't have the resources to handle the refugees either.

Canon? Counts as a strategic loss. This story, as said Pyrrhic victory.

So I respectfully disagree with the initial reviewers statements regarding this work.

He also overlooks that RT is forgetting that you can only pile so much trauma upon a person before they break.

Jaune was still healing from losing Pyrrha and Beacon, even if he put up a brave face. (He does have a martyr complex these days.)

Now this Penny thing? Wouldn't be unrealistic for him to end up "fellating the pistol" mode of Gambol Shroud. (If I'm recalling the terminology right.) Or if there's any ropes or vines wherever they end up by pulling what Judas did in the end.

Even more so with the destruction of Crocea More, this is more than just losing an heirloom. It had been recrafted to incorporate Pyrrha's gear. So in a way, he's lost her twice and sullied the blade with the blood of the innocent to boot.

More than enough to drive him even further into a depressed spiral, even more so considering his previous mental issues (low self esteem, martyr complex etc etc).

So yeah, think the author is making a valid point with this story. Although I would've suggested making Winter the Fall Maiden. Putting all your eggs in one basket is too risky, considering the situation that they're in.


But that's just me and I disagreed with Mr. Oum with regards to the necessity of killing Pyrrha. Which was far too close to the SO in fridge trope for my taste.

She didn't even have to deal with the fallout of her confession, so the idea that her character arc was complete was quite ludicrous to me.

But yeah.. interesting setting and characters, but the story choices are very much up to debate as to how much they were needed to tell a good story.
4/5/2021 c1 MeFKYouHackers
The newest review for this fic isn't showing on the app neither right here on any of my browsers I'll respond to it if it appears but to that same reviewer thanks for reviewing(btw it's me "FKYouHackers" reviewing here for real,have to review on this fic of mine as a guest to be able to review here more than once)
4/4/2021 c1 Guest
I think the worst part is that not that team RWBY and JNR to a certain extent faced true defeat but the fact that this absolute disaster that happened in Mantle and Atlas was completely and utterly preventable to an absurd degree with a few necessary sacrifices here and there.
4/4/2021 c1 30The-Prodigious-One
Everyone who Favorited and Followed and will do so in the near or far future whichever it will be I want to say thank all ya'll
4/4/2021 c1 PositiveReader
I fully agree with you about V 8 Ep 14 Author-San
I just can't believe Rooster Teeth did that to us
4/4/2021 c1 The-Prodigious-One
To Mr WoolieThePieStealerMan all I'm saying is Penny was made a human just to die again and Jaune now has even more reason to tumble into a very lengthy period of depression,his sword even broke now how will he be useful except as a healer with broken sword I mean giving the guy a break is what Rooster Teeth should now be doing not giving him another reason to friggin angst over another girl because he wasn't strong enough,really you seem like a Cinder sympathizer,you just like villians always winning,I have no reason to actually believe otherwise,good day
4/3/2021 c1 WoolieThePieStealer
Okay, so instead of any consequences, you want the good guys to win with little to no sacrifice, something that the show has done except for a few moments. Pyrrha's death and the fall of Beacon, alongside with a few places the last couple seasons, are the only parts where the 'heroes' face any true defeat. You want to negate the story having any stakes, and want to feel good when a majority of the show has been that exact thing. Honestly if I didn't know the fact that the writers were too cowardly to actually kill off the main characters, I would give them credit for doing something that actually has consequences. But since we saw them tumble into the void and disappear, there's no chance that they're not coming back. At least with Penny back in season 3 we had a body to throw us off the trail, even though I called it early that she would come back since she was a robot, completely forgot she was even a character, and was absolutely disappointed that she just showed up.

Saying that this is how it "should have happened" is like unintentionally saying you don't want bad things to happen to the good guys, don't want them to grow and develop, don't want any sort of conflict aside from "saving the day from the bad guys". If you DO want that, then you don't want a good story; you want a fairy tale, and, for better or worse, RWBY is not that.

All that said, you're formatting has actually improved to the point where I don't want to gouge my eyes out after ten seconds. Although please for the love of fuck, put spaces after the commas, otherwise it just looks like one big jumbled word that makes me wonder how it wasn't pointed out before.

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