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for RWBY Watches The MCU (Iron Man 3)

7/4/2021 c13 5Gamelover41592
11-13: epic work on these chapters and looking forward to the next one and while Nora might like this one once again her faith in Uncle Loki will be tested
7/4/2021 c13 IX09
You should do a batman one when you have the time that will be incredible
7/4/2021 c11 4OpKingDimond
Dang, bun-bun! You're getting almost as fiery as Yang or Cinder." Velvet teased.

"W-well, I don't like everything Killian's doing. And I believe in Tony that he won't help her." Coco explained.

Coco and velvets names need to be swapped
7/4/2021 c13 31SulliMike23
Now I wonder how they will react to how Thor’s mother dies. Especially Nora.
7/4/2021 c10 3UA Alumni 1998
Big fan of your work so far. I really like where team RWBY is going so far. Are you gonna end up showing them the clip of Trevor in jail afterwards? The one where he gets targeted by the real mandarin?

Also, your reaction stories inspired me to make one of my own. This one for the cast of MHA watching themselves. Thanks for making a great story.
6/28/2021 c10 MadTitan9
When the final battle is over, I hope that the cast realizes that the purpose of the malfunctioning Mark 42 was that Tony was only fighting with what he currently had at his disposal, which wasn't much. And I hope that Weiss remembers that it's serial number, the 42, is the number symbolizing life, which makes the suit meaning sll the more powerful.
6/23/2021 c2 Dragonmasterlex
I suggest you listen to the Oh Vegeta parodies of Hallelujah if you like that parody
6/22/2021 c2 duncanquan007
I prefer the classic "I'm Blue if I was green I would die if I was green I would die" version
6/22/2021 c10 4OmniIBIBUltraInstinctGodzilla
6/21/2021 c10 Cylon One
Opinion for the transcript for this part I totally agree with.
Like, ugh.
I swear the one thing that made Iron Man 3 good in any way was what's to come next chapter showing the battle at the end of the movie.
Second place would be when Tony went MacGyver earlier.
When found out about Pepper having Extremis put into her, I wondered for some time if it was removed from her, or if Tony did something to keep it from eventually harming her.
I didn't feel certain of its removal until seeing her in the Rescue armor in Endgame.
Something about that just told me it was.
A favorite part with the RWBY audience was Ruby wishing Tony would solve universal or planetary travel so they could see him and his armors along with maybe even trying them on.
Just imagine the appearance of them if armors were made for each of them with their individual themes put into their designs.
While knowing she's changed, it's still a little hard to imagine willingly allowing Cinder to have the remainder of the Fall Maiden powers.
How terrible I imagine she'll feel for what's she's done to Amber when she's brought to her support pod for the transfer.
6/20/2021 c10 Azure dragon
I hate to correct you, but there actually is a point to the execution that the group doesn’t seem to notice. Keep in mind, with A.I.M. Killing the president and framing the mandarin for it, they’re basically forcing the US to retaliate with a full on war. And with the Vice President (now president) playing for him, he would be able to effectively sell extremis to both sides of the market, American and terrorist alike. He’d effectively construct his own arms race, with his company profiting off of whoever wins or loses.
6/18/2021 c10 Wolf Mike
Next chapter, saving Pepper, the president and stopping Killian.
6/19/2021 c10 1Royal Aichi-kun
Are you gonna list all the iron man suits' name and their specialty?
6/18/2021 c10 3Vein Bloodborne
Thanks for the chapter, I really needed it after work yesterday.

Can’t wait to see the finale.
6/18/2021 c10 3RHatch89
Awesome update :)
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