Just In
for In The Weeds

2/3 c27 Impossible Love
this fic was recommended to me in a lil face book group. im really thankful to have taken the time to read it . Lemmons were fantastic, and so so much of this Edward reminded me of one of my absolute favourite Edward's of alll fanfiction, Kharizzmatik's one for Emancipation Proclamation.
i do have to make a digression here and say that the plote could have been better with all the Aro/Dimitri/Didyme, drug lords, etc. but ist ok because that's not really why we cone here
1/30 c25 Monnie Mcintosh
What a wonderful and amazing story. I’ve read this so many times and still adore it.
You are a wonderful writer. Thank you️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️
10/31/2024 c27 Guest
Any chance of an update or new story?

I love and miss your writing.
10/6/2024 c26 Guest
Dang this made me cry
3/20/2024 c6 Wendy
EPOV did not help his case at all, I dislike him even more, not sure how you will redeem him to give this a HEA but I'll trust you. Hopefully Charlie get's what he deserves. Great story so far.
3/19/2024 c2 Wendy
Edward is going to have to do something amazing before Bella (or me) will forgive him. He's beyond a dickhead, and unattractive righ now.
11/16/2023 c5 Guest


11/12/2023 c6 carinaglaser0
I can understand why Edward and Co. are like that (I experienced childhood abuse), but nothing is an excuse for abuse and this is exactly what they do, they abuse other people. It is easier to do nothing, but it is the right thing to work on yourself and through your trauma. I don't know if I can read more of it, because it triggers myself, nothing makes me more aggressive than abuse.
10/23/2023 c27 BurchGirl
Wow! I just found this story and binged read it. Amazing! What happened to Epilogue 2? ;) Maybe you can revisit these two. Never too late. Loved it!
9/14/2023 c27 Vamps09
Great story! Thanks for writing!,
9/14/2023 c27 Vamps09
Love the story thanks for writing!
8/9/2023 c27 RoYes02
This was amazing. Thank you.!
7/31/2023 c26 Cina's
You had me in tears.
7/31/2023 c25 Cina's
I have absolutely loved your story. I was heartbroken for nine year old Bella. Was edward redeemable? In time I thin, but it was up to Bella to make that decision. It was a hard read and i hated some of it and loved most of. It. Tha k you for writing and sharing.
6/27/2023 c27 Purple.Raindrops.10
One of the best stories I’ve ever read. Amazing writing.
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