Just In
for The 2nd Try: Short Stories

12/19/2022 c21 344Traitor of All Traitors
12/18/2022 c21 18YourBlandestNightmare
Aaaaawwwwwwwww this was one of the cutest chapters :D The ending was especially heartwarming (except maybe for poor Shinji xD)

Thank you.
10/29/2022 c20 1iCards
Just binged the whole story.

I always loved the post impact sections of "The 2nd Try," and giving some little tidbits of the Ikari's daily lives is fun.

I also like how you are adding chapters that elaborate or mirrior some of the original, such as how Asuka and Aki find the Cello for Shinji's birthday present; Shinji having his own conversation with an unborn Aki similar to how Asuka was apologizing to Aki for her early pregnancy behavior; or the latest chapter where Asuka put another piece of her past to rest by using her plugsuit as a scarecrow.
10/24/2022 c20 2Captain Bardiel
I have an idea for the very last chapter of this story.

Maybe you can add the Second Try segment of Chapter 3 from TheOneandOnlyErik's "In Doubt of Where To Go".

Makes it good bit of Canon Welding.
10/23/2022 c20 344Traitor of All Traitors
The plugsuit, I get. But the fact that Asuka had a toy in the box that Aki almost found out about? That’s hilarious. And we knew what it was.
10/14/2022 c20 11Calborghete
I wonder what was in that box? Maybe some of Asuka's toys? Hahahaha or is it finally the stuff Maya washed with soap? We'll never know... it was fun.
10/13/2022 c20 Attila1987
Another slice of the wholesome life of Asuka with her Schätzchen, and another piece of her past that Asuka can finally leave behind. (at least until time travel shenanigans put her back in it)

I agree with other notes that Asuka's reaction to Shinji's perverted thoughts felt out of character for her, especially since several other of your chapters showed that they both had their bout of perviness that they completely assume (as long as Aki isn't around), as *especially* with being all but stated that Asuka has a box of sex toys in her closet, I could see her give him a small playful kick with a whispered "Baka Hentai", but kicking him to the ground and scream is a reaction that I would feel more coming from the Asuka of the early episodes of the TV series rather than the one from The 2nd Try.
10/13/2022 c20 18YourBlandestNightmare
Asuka faces the faults of her old self, and wins. The chains that held her once are rusty and broken, and she is free. I loved it. Thanks for writing :)

Aki is so cute. I wonder what was in the box, although I have a guess...
10/12/2022 c20 Miguel Alamino
Another really fun chapter man. I really like the shorts you've made, like a "slice-of-life" of Eva. But I don't know how I feel about the ending. While I really like the comedy ending, I don't know if "2nd Try" Asuka would kick her husband in front of Shinji. But I'm glad you released that. And pray continue your series :D
10/12/2022 c20 Starfire99
I liked everything about that chapter...until the end. Isn't it great how domestic violence against men has been normalized in the western world. /s (and yes, despite the name, I am male). And I highly doubt the Asuka of "The 2nd Try", at that point in their relationship, would still be hitting Shinji for thinking she was sexy in her plugsuit.

Switch the genders and tell me if that scene would fly in a comic relief sense. I love anime, but I always hated how crap like that was treated as comic relief. If Shinji did that to Asuka, it'd be considered a toxic relationship and bullying at BEST. Not to mention she did it in front of her daughter. I don't like being a buzzkill, but shit like that just annoys the f#ck outta me.
8/28/2022 c19 YourBlandestNightmare
This was wholesome :) Beautiful. Thank you for writing
8/23/2022 c19 Miguel Alamino
Congratulations on the chapter man! It was a very lovely scene, something very imaginable for Shinji (and probably every first father) to do. Keep up the good work!
8/24/2022 c19 344Traitor of All Traitors
Not bad.
8/24/2022 c19 11Calborghete
It was cool... Shinji being afraid of becoming his father was pretty cool... as always Asuka would have woken up, I couldn't expect anything less from her hahahaha
8/24/2022 c19 1a2jay
This was so sweet I got a cavity. Love the stories
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