Just In
for The 2nd Try: Short Stories

4/30/2021 c1 Temu
Here My review
4/30/2021 c1 Temu
My review. Hope you continue
4/28/2021 c5 11Calborghete
Cute chapter, I liked the moment when Aki found her, she must have looked beautiful, I can't wait for the next ones.
4/28/2021 c5 18YourBlandestNightmare
Aaawwww... the final part was adorable! While I want to see Aki going on all sorts of "adventures," it's always nice to have some married Asushin scenes.

Great little chapter. I loved how you used the A-10 clips, and Asuka's reaction to them. Keep up the good work :)
4/27/2021 c5 344Traitor of All Traitors
4/25/2021 c3 18YourBlandestNightmare
I loved this one. Feels like something you could find in a children's book. It was adorable :)
4/24/2021 c4 344Traitor of All Traitors
Yeah, everyone does it. Even adults.
4/23/2021 c3 24Romulo Nidoking BR
Really nice idea for a series. Aki-chan is the best OC of Evangelion and Wolk is a legend. I liked the themes you choose to develop in those initial chapters and also your characterization of Shinji, Asuka and Aki in line with what we've saw from them in 2nd Try. Congrats.
4/23/2021 c3 11Calborghete
Hello, two chapters together? This is good, I like it, it is light and pleasant.
4/23/2021 c1 18YourBlandestNightmare
Short stories with Aki? Yes, please. I want.

Loved this little scene, it was adorable. Good job. Welcome to !
4/23/2021 c1 11Calborghete
Hello, I find your idea very interesting, I will wait for the next ones.
4/23/2021 c1 8JimmyWolk
Still happy to see this. As I usually say, it's always an honor to see someone liking my works so much that it inspires them for their own. And I'm glad to see you as long time follower, who's coming up with ideas so often, to finally put some of them down. :)
Best of luck with this and future projects. I'll be looking forward for more.
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