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for Born to Darkness, Ascend to Light

9/12/2023 c1 Guest
Man when ichigo and Giselle do the deed ichigo's gonna be so surprised when he sees that Giselle's a trap
9/1/2023 c14 1Mr-Luca-Wolf
Imma miss you man
9/1/2023 c13 Mr-Luca-Wolf
8/31/2023 c2 Mr-Luca-Wolf
Ohh man think are getting good
8/31/2023 c1 Mr-Luca-Wolf
So far its not bad at all
8/31/2023 c14 8Hikari-J
I discovered and read the fic in two days and it was amazing.

Quincy Ichigo was actually written in a believable way and so weee the others characters actually which is odd enough in a Quincy Ichigo fic

Hence, I’m really hoping to see more of it, especially some very very hard fight for Ichigo (potentially Aizen rematch ?)
8/29/2023 c14 coyotestarrk01
loved this fanfic it's hard to trying to good one's but I loved this one best one I've ever read
8/23/2023 c14 Guest
Good luck in the future.
8/21/2023 c6 XVasikerX
my heart hurts so bad for Yuzu and Karin
8/21/2023 c6 XVasikerX
I absolutely love the multi pairing of Ichigo and the Femritters
8/21/2023 c5 XVasikerX
This was amazing. Ichigo's schrift is so awesome. and like Gigi said it has many possibilities great work
8/19/2023 c3 XVasikerX
this was a great chapter. I really enjoyed the fight
8/19/2023 c2 XVasikerX
This was awesome
8/19/2023 c1 XVasikerX
great first chapter
8/6/2023 c2 The beginn of Red Dawn
I have to say... just wow.

So much happened in this chapter, I have to think about everything properly first.

All that remains for me to say is. Thank you for this chapter.
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