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for Fire and Blood in Remnant

8/29/2024 c45 Guest
kommt Jon auch? Ghost ohne Jon ist sehr komisch.
4/21/2024 c45 Robert Doran
Ghost is a plus .I am glan Cinder lost an eye and arm .Too bad she was too powerful to stop permanently.
4/6/2024 c45 rowdyrobbyD
any more for this story its been quite some time since oct 2022.
4/5/2024 c10 rowdyrobbyD
so will Draegon fall for Ruby?
4/5/2024 c6 rowdyrobbyD
good crossover my two obsessions GOT and RWBY.
A Targaryen as a part of team RWBY.
2/20/2024 c45 Guest
Lets get some new chapters already!
12/17/2023 c45 Shirayuki 343
I shall await for the next chapters, Good Author
11/7/2023 c45 Guest
Post the next chapter already!
11/3/2023 c45 Guest
Can we get some new chapters already please!
7/9/2023 c45 Guest
Please do more
5/13/2023 c45 Fire23
How will Sansa and Arya react to Deargon being Jon and Daenerys son?
5/7/2023 c43 Fire23
Bulwer Oc good idea because House Bulwer found in Ages of Heroes by Bors the Breaker a son of Garth Greenhand in some tales he grew a pair of shiny black horns you could playing around House Bulwer having Faunus DNA in your story also cool house there words are death before disgrace.
4/12/2023 c38 Guest
Faunus Oc x Arryn Oc
4/3/2023 c45 17bmanbeast57
Please update soon
3/10/2023 c38 Guest
Blackwood OC and Bracken OC make them enemy to friend
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