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for 04 A Dark Star Rising

1/16 c20 Rosi
Dommage qu'il n'y a pas davantage de fiction avec Illusive man et Leng xD
3/10/2024 c22 evattude
Who the hell are these people! I feel like Abby has already suffered enough to be honest. Though those people are crazy if they don't think asura, shepard and the rest of the crew won't find and come for her. Plus it seems that the reapers may not be as interested I her because she's not part of the cycle
1/19/2024 c22 4magnusvictor
Ooh, the drama rises!
1/10/2024 c22 brushbug
Damn you Cerberus :( Things aren't looking good for Aria or Abby. I'm not sure how many people Aria's got left, but Cerberus' definitely got her outnumbered especially after that last attack. Fortunately, she seems to be on Avernus station and that seems to be where Abby's headed as well. Unless Cerberus has another secret base, I guess. I'm hoping Abby and Aria can reconvene then break out together somehow as an awesome duo (though Aria would be definitely doing the heavy lifting lol). Aria has to get to the Citadel somehow after all. I'm really hoping this leads to Abby coming from another universe being confirmed and Aria realizing that. I don't know why else Cerberus would want Abby.

Congrats on making Ashe a very hateable character by the way. His POV felt slimy. Here comes the beginnings of the Omega takeover. Part of me thinks that this is going behind Oleg's back because so far, he seems the honourable type. But y'know, Cerberus. Even knowing he's an antagonist, you've made him a likeable character in a way. I guess that would make his betrayal of Aria all the more bitter.

Excellent chapter for the new year, definitely made my day. :D Really looking to how this situation pans out for Abby and Aria. I'm really loving their friendship and how Abby has a knack for making friends with the powerful psychotic biotics :P
12/17/2023 c21 brushbug
NOOOO ABBY! OZ! How dare you kill the dogWhat does Cerberus want with her? Because she's important to Sheperd? Thats she's not part of the cycle and TIM wants to know more? Perhaps he was the one the former Shadow Broker tipped off about her condition. Lots of mysteries popping up.

But god, I hope Grom makes it. If he wasn't already devoted to her, he would be now. But as Jack said before, Abby's got quads giving herself up to Cerberus to save Grom's life. I love that about her, putting the lives of others before her own. But she was sooo close to escapingReally thought Patriarch would save the day, but alas. This is gonna be a wake-up call for Aria though. How's she gonna break it to Sheperd AND Asura that Abby got captured if she doesn't get her back before then? Also, just realized this is Abby's third time getting kidnapped lol, poor damsel in distress. Hopefully she doesn't get taken to Horizon or something.

Excellent chapter, really had me gripping the edge of my seat and gasping out loud. Thanks for your hard work! I'm really looking forward to reading the next!
11/30/2023 c19 magnusvictor
For someone who is at least vaguely aware that she might be living (/dreaming) in a fictional world, Abby is surprisingly willing to raise the ol' death flags. :-)

"We'll get married after this mission, and don't worry, I'll be fine here!" Is almost as much tempting fate as "Nothing could stop us now!"

Love the chapter!
11/28/2023 c20 brushbug
Holy crap I didn't expect an Aria and Oleg team-up, but man did I want it. Sighhh you've think Cerberus would know better now about their science experiments getting out of hand. Shouldn't there be a contingency or something for this kind of thing? Aria gets to be in Sheperd's shoes and play the hero at least. As heroic as she can be anyways. I'm laughing at her punching the breath back into the yeoman.

This Omega-4 trip does seem like the perfect opportunity to take over Omega, two birds one stone and all. You really redeemed Oleg in a way though and made it hard to dislike him even if he's Cerberus. He cares about his people and is honourable so such underhanded tactics seem beneath him. On the other hand, I can see how he would deem Aria's reign of Omega as corrupt, thus wanting to overtake her.

I hope Griss' family is alright! You got me ever since you mentioned them sending knick knacks back to Abby. And yay! Patriarch to the rescue! I'm loving this side adventure so far, what a wonderful way to expand upon the events of the dlc and what led to the Omega takeover. I'm always looking forward to the next chapter! Thanks for all your hard work <3
11/21/2023 c19 brushbug
How dare you tease us with that super cute moment about marriage, noooooooĐ”) I want to shake Abby by the shoulders and tell her I told her so. Just a week she says. God I loved that bit so much, it was so soft and sweet. Plus Asura researching into different human rituals for marriage, be still my heart. Let the Reaper war be over so they can get married and be wives! Can't wait Sheperd to save the day and officiate them while she's at it.

Hmm also, if I understood that last bit correctly, there's Cerberus vessels coming from the Omega-4 relay and the main one attacking each other? Maybe the Omega-4 vessels are full of indoctrinated? Anyhow, considering Cerberus' track record of science experiments getting out of hand, this checks out. Might as well turn the accident to a takeover while they're at it.

This was a small detail but I like the mention of weapon grade minerals being bought out. Really shows what's happening behind the scenes during Sheperd's incarceration and how her warnings weren't in vain. Anyways superb chapter as always, you've been awesome with the updates. Especially sweet character moment between Abby and Asura. I'm counting this as an early bday gift :D I look forward to the next!
11/21/2023 c19 9BBadolato
I'm so glad to see this story, and you are back!
11/21/2023 c18 4magnusvictor
This story continues to be fun! I do wish that canon Cerberus had been less of a cartoonish villain, though; that would have made for a more interesting plot.
11/20/2023 c18 golariongang
Abby and Asura deserve happiness. The couple has gone through some issues, but considering Asura's meld with the monster and its' after effects, it feels like this new threat might cause some irreversible damage.
But gosh darn do I love the times when Abby alludes to knowing more than she should about certain events. And more so when the other characters, like Samara in the Portside room, start to question her about it.

I can't get enough of this fic, honestly one of the few that I reread entirely and still enjoy every time.
11/15/2023 c18 brushbug
I'm screaming inside, Asura bring Abby with you! I took a peek at the Mass Effect timeline and if this is ME: Invasion, this is probably the worst time for Asura to leavePlus there's a Cerberus right near Abby's clinic... I haven't said it before, but I can really appreciate that Abby is a non-combatant. I feel with most, if not all oc/si fics, most characters join Sheperd's crew and fight alongside the Commander so this stands out. But oh man, how's Abby gonna get out of this now without Asura?

Also, slimy Cerberus bastards. I hope Abby isn't forced to ally with Cerberus just for their protection. Abby has a lot of connections to people on the station, not to mention her obvious ties to Sheperd; no wonder Cerberus is ingratiating themselves to her. I'm anxious for the next chapter! Lots of plot threads that I can only guess where they lead at. Thank you hundreds of times for the update, I can't wait until the next :D
11/9/2023 c17 brushbug
Aw man, I loooved the juxtaposition between two different sets of mothers and daughters. The chapter definitely highlighted all these different facets of Aria that I love. The loss of Liselle will always be an open wound to her, but she got a little bit of closure at least. Not completely though. And hehe, Jane might see Abby sooner than she realizes. That letter was sweet, Abby may not be strongest physically, but she is emotionally with her uplifting both Aria and Jane. Considering this chapter's an interlude, I'm curious how you'll continue this novel. Jumping to ME3 or something in between? Regardless of which, I have faith you'll tie it all together into a seamless story. Looking forward to seeing where you take this! Thanks for your great work
11/9/2023 c17 LifeIsAGreatAdventure
Always good to see you working on this. Nice chapter. The section with Jane and her mum is particularly powerful as is that with Aria and Lisell's body. Thanks loads for your hard work on this, as always I look forward to future installments.
11/4/2023 c16 brushbug
Aria noooo, shoulda just left him for dead. I love being able to see to cascade of events that leads to the Omega takeover later on. Can't wait to see how Abby and Asura fare by then! Speaking of them, yay Asura's traumatized but alive! They are so sweet gosh, they're too characters that slot into the world so well, it's hard to believe they're not preexisting characters. I wonder if Abby will get any sort of hints about ME3 when melding but I doubt it. I can't wait until the next chapter! Thanks for this wonderful work
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