Just In
for Fourth Year

2/13/2022 c3 1Aquiles Vaesa
Nice moment between Ron and Luna. One must know how to listen.
10/2/2021 c1 Guest
Ron was a good student... Now go die.
9/7/2021 c9 James Birdsong
Amusing of course
7/21/2021 c7 ashish123
Wow. That's a great chapter. I like the ending seen of Ron and Luna. It's amazing how beautifully this story is evolving. Ron growing up and maturing is really great to see. The ending was a great surprise.

I read your other stories also, and I wonder sometimes, was it really that difficult for JK to write a happy Yule ball memory for Ron,Harry and Hermione? So much drama later in the books between Ron and Hermione and Harry just because of this Ball scene.I read this chapter again and again and let me say this honestly, this is by far the best Yule ball scene I have read.

I am really looking forward to your next update to see how the talk between Ron and and Hermione goes. But I am really happy to see character development of Ron and Hermione. This Ball scene feels so refreshing and realistic. All characters in story looks like normal human beings and that's amazing to see.

I am eternally grateful to JK for giving us Harry Potter Universe and it's amazing characters, but in my modest opinion Ron deserved more in 4th book. I am really happy for Ron that he got to enjoy and have wonderful Yule ball with Luna. So much better than actual ending for Ron in 4th book.

I hope we have a great chapter coming. I don't know how you will go from here, but I am looking towards the next update. But as of now, really enjoyed this chapter. Thanks again for your story.
6/13/2021 c6 ashish123
Another great chapter. I loved how Hermione handled her apology to Ron. She is also maturing in the story. Ron was a delight to see in the chapter. His friendship with Luna is really wonderful. Ron acknowledging Ginny was really wonderful to see. The suspence of how the Yule ball will go is really perfect way to finish the chapter.
In fact I am looking forward to the next update of Yule ball...
I hope everything turns out perfect for everyone.
5/27/2021 c5 ashish123
The prank was really great. Ron and Neville practice dancing was also cute. Looking for character development of all the characters. Progress of Ron is great to see. Looking forward to the next update...
5/21/2021 c4 Arissan
Ron a toujours été protecteur, j"adore son dévoué à Luna. Le fait que Ron soit dyslexique est une bonne idée pour expliquer des difficultés. Vivement la suite.
5/21/2021 c4 ashish123
Great chapter. Loved the dynamic of Ron and his brothers. Looking for the next update..
5/14/2021 c3 ashish123
Great chapter.I liked how Ginnny stands up for Ron. I hope the story gradually grows into R/Hr story. I like the change in Ron's character. Eagerly waiting for your next update.
5/14/2021 c3 Arissan
Trop mignon.
5/10/2021 c2 ashish123
Nice to see brother sister dynamics in the chapter. Great advice by Ginny to Ron. Great going with the waiting for your next update.
5/8/2021 c1 Arissan
Très bon début, j'adore cette remise en question de Ron et cette dynamique frère et sœur avec Ginny. Hâte de voit les changements dû à ses nouvelles résolutions.
5/6/2021 c1 8Phlebiac
I hope this is a RonxLuna fic, the fandom needs more of them when they are the focus

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