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for Back? Not Really

3/12/2024 c53 11brigrove
Doctor's degree should be Docterate
3/11/2024 c60 7Mando-Vet
Hard to believe this story is really over...
3/10/2024 c60 Dragon0102
options 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 all seemed really good and it was tough to decide.
3/10/2024 c59 Guest
Uhh what just happened
3/2/2024 c8 Efail1
He feels less like a jaded war veteran and more like someone who is completely and utterly incompetent at socializing and probably on some form of the spectrum since he obviously doesn't understand boundaries or social structure so kinda just blunders around. The whole interaction with Fleur feels like someone who's never talked to someone only learning their socializing through books trying to piece together what they think is normal rather than actually talking.
2/26/2024 c25 Rairi Valelira
share the weeb
2/26/2024 c15 Rairi Valelira
The walk back to the school from the lake made it seem like they were still standing by the lake when the other person came over. could have been written more clearly perhaps. or maybe just me idk.
2/21/2024 c29 omiguh
Is there any significance to the locations where one can hide a horcrux? I know you cant just grab a random object or a piece of sand and turn it into a horcrux, but when he hid a horcrux in the past, there was always some type of significance to the one who hid it.
2/20/2024 c60 Dr. Valentine
Alright, I binged this story and I can confidently say I enjoyed. It's not for everyone, but I quite liked how you experimented with magic.
2/20/2024 c55 Dr. Valentine
What the fuck, I wasn't expecting the zombie apocalypse. Although with ol Voldie having a phylactery he's probably a lich now, so I guess it makes sense. Although it does beg the question, do inferi spread like zombies?
2/19/2024 c27 fojar
Love this series so far! I also really appreciate the footnotes throughout, awesome story!
2/19/2024 c8 Dr. Valentine
I hadn't actually seen the plot summary at the start, that explains a lot. I was wondering why Voldemort kept coming back, and it also explains Harry's dislike of Snape. Much prefered over any OOCness.
2/19/2024 c3 Dr. Valentine
Okay, this story is pretty dark.
2/19/2024 c2 Dr. Valentine
Goddamn, that's one way to get out of writing Snape.
2/7/2024 c23 6The-Heaven
Man, in the final part of this chapter Harry reminded me of Tang Hao from Douluo Dalu, even though I don't like the guy, I have to admit that his character model is pretty cool, a super OP guy who has nothing else to do with matters in the world and that's why he looks like a beggar with a black cape over his shoulders, but when necessary, he appears when the MC is in danger and makes an epic scene of beating everyone up.
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