Just In
for Back? Not Really

6/5/2021 c4 vadrulesall
more please
6/5/2021 c4 ThR1992
But why would Fleur wait for 1991 or she wouldn't wait until 1996, where she has more suspects.
Hopefully this Fleur is from a parallel universe or from the future in the universe they are currently in. Harry should have those reflections and not confront her directly, besides that physically he has a great disadvantage.
6/5/2021 c4 Latherial
Well that clears up some things, having Fleur there but then the question is how did she survive, but that will be probably be explained in a following chapter, where Harry confront her.

Good reading as always looking forward to what happens next.
6/5/2021 c4 vcs123
interesting chapter,
6/5/2021 c4 1Archangel Xireon Chaos God
Ha. Plot twist. I love it!
6/5/2021 c4 Pteaset
So good
6/5/2021 c4 fallendemon248
Wait are you saying Harry and Fleur both are from a different timeline and fleur is the one cleaning shop….that actual makes sense and it is kinda poetic, ok now I’m really hooked on this story
6/5/2021 c4 2Home of the Brave
Amazing, if its not Fleur like Harry thinks, then you've laid a hell of a false trail. Now I'm completely convinced Harry is not alone.
6/5/2021 c4 SilveerKnighT
So shorrrrrttttt :(
6/5/2021 c4 TheHarshApprentice
It was a great chapter. The hook you had left at the end of the last chapter had made me very giddy. This chapter really justified that. And would you look at that, the plot thickens even more. I'm excited to see where this story goes.
6/5/2021 c4 9Raizen1125
Another excellent chapter!
6/4/2021 c1 CPR1
very interesting
6/2/2021 c3 Deepthoughts42
Well that escalated quickly
6/2/2021 c3 anfarvic
mierda loko, esta buena esta vaina
6/2/2021 c3 8Samhildanach
Wow. This is intense.
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