Just In
for Back? Not Really

5/28/2021 c2 2KnowPein
Ooh Au. I am loving how you are going with this.

So poor Snape got mauled or is out of action?

Masterfully done. Thank you for not involving any pre teen dramas
5/28/2021 c2 darkpegasuzz
nice chapter, was it fleur?
5/28/2021 c2 The Jabberwock of OZ
Okay cool things are happening, and it starts with Harry NOT having a big hullabaloo with the Sorting hat.
Harry IS a very smart kid, and if he never had to deal with the Dursley's he would have been amazing in either world.
Course he is around...30 plus years old?
Jeez did this ending really threw me for a loop.
Snape was coming around to not being so much of a dick to Harry, and I was wondering what their relationship would be like,,,
Then you go and just kill him!
Nice curve ball with that one.
As well having Fleur being a student at Hogwarts is strange...
Hmm I was going to ask where the Invisibility Cloak went, but these are not the Same Potters.
Like how Sirius was not James Friend, again nice curve ball there.
You are making your world more and more interesting
Thank you
5/28/2021 c2 11RedFistCannon
Harry could have speedrun the entire series but I guess side quests are more important lol.
5/28/2021 c2 Kaiser The Challenger
Very interesting. I didnt expect fleur to be at hogwarts
5/28/2021 c1 Future247
This story seems okay so far and I'm really only checking it out since I really love your Naruto/Justice League story. I don't really read Harry Potter stories unless they are crossovers since the regular Harry Potter world bores me. This story seems pretty interesting especially since I like the whole grumpy Harry hates kids while also being a kid himself.

I'm interested to see who he makes friends with and I'm guessing it's going to be older characters like Oliver Wood, Fred and George, Tonks etc. I just really hope Hermione doesn't appear much I find her really annoying and I'm assuming your Harry will as well.

I also like the Fleur pairing it fits your Harry to be more interested in older more mature women rather than someone the same age as his body. As long as it doesn't become a harem story half way through I will keep reading the story.
5/28/2021 c1 Adol116
Interesting chapter looking forward to the next one
5/27/2021 c1 4Chaos65
Definitely, an idea that was used a few times already, but I'm really curious how you will expand on it. I wholly enjoy your other story, so I have high hopes for this one too.

Good luck and I'm awaiting the future chapters.
5/27/2021 c1 Red555
I enjoyed it. Didn't really see any mistakes and I look forward to the next chapter. We'll done.
5/27/2021 c1 jeffs87
Cool start. Looking forward to where you go with this. I like the premise and the differences already.
5/27/2021 c1 seborg2
This was really good. I am kind of hoping that you skip ahead a bit to introfuce Fleur or just introduce her before the tournament.
5/27/2021 c1 John
That’s a really promising start and I am intrigued to see how it moves that you have making it a Harry/Fleur fic ,which is my favourite pairing ,I just have 1 thing to say please don’t make it a haram fic .Many writers start really good with a clear plan but get influenced in the middle of the story and change its direction to make it a haram and it kills the story, just keep it Harry and fleur.
5/27/2021 c1 3battousai222
Its a good start am interested in seeing how it continues
5/27/2021 c1 DeathCrawler
seems interesting will be looking forward the next chapters but one question so far what is flowerpot mean in this context? never heard of it
5/27/2021 c1 boban094
Great start of the story. It looks promising and I hope you will continue writing it.
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