Just In
for Back? Not Really

5/26/2021 c1 Austin Jones
Hmm? Well, well, well! I've read a story similar to this one. But, this is a completely different starting point! And what's this? A jaded, war veteran, "sick-of-this-shit!" Harry? I would like to see where and how this peculiar path plays out!
5/26/2021 c1 btorresalizaga
If I’m honest with you, the big major of ficus that I see is about Naruto in other anime or something like, the idea for me is good. Is not my kind of fanfic but I will give you a change cuz I love your last fic. Good luck and updated soon.
Ps: sorry for bad grammar, my English is really basic
5/26/2021 c1 Rhino242
it's a good start, nice idea, well written. Waiting to see how it progresses.
5/26/2021 c1 11RedFistCannon
Gotta say, this was not what I expected and yet I am pleasantly surprised.
Good job!
5/26/2021 c1 fallendemon248
So a harden, Tired Harry gets reincarnated….everyone is so fucked there’s no way he’s just gonna take shit lying down, I’m excited to see your story for this
5/26/2021 c1 ddsurvivor
Ok, I'm confused.

1st you have Potter in 2002 and next "in a flashback"?
No clue where you have potter at, and now he is randomly talking to Mcgonagal in a younger body.

You might want to put symbols to designate a change, or a sentence or two on how/why/who.

From reading it again, I can assume that the Quidditch is a scene from the future/past (whatever).
Something before or after that paragraph should of made a hint.

And it only made sense after I got to the middle, where I read that Harry woke up now being 11 again after his suicide walk-through the veil.

After that it became clear. Your writing is pretty decent, hopefully whatever writing Application your using has had their spellcheck and dictionary reset.

So far a realistic thinking of a 40 year old in a 11 year old body.

Looking forward for more. But I would love to read more of caterpillar, Please!
5/26/2021 c1 8MisguidedPenguin
This is a fantastic start to the story, and I can’t wait to read more. A lot of times when I’m reading a story and the author says “I’m not a native English speaker” I kind of think, “ohhh, that explains it.” But I really didn’t have that with your story. I didn’t see any mistakes in your writing, and if there were any, they were too small to notice. I never would’ve guessed you weren’t a native speaker if you didn’t say so. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see more from you soon! (I’m not saying that to pressure you to write faster or anything. As a fellow writer, I know how uncomfortable it can feel to get those types of reviews)
5/26/2021 c1 twolfe81
A successful start to what can potentially be a great story. I've read several of this genre and can see some plot similarities and overlap with others, but what can you do...if enough people write about a topic or story thread, eventually ideas do overlap.

I look forward to seeing how your story runs, given how much I've enjoyed Caterpillar. Keep em coming! :)
5/26/2021 c1 Davnix
5/26/2021 c1 Latherial
As a reader of your other story Caterpillar, I decided to give this story a try also.
And so far I am not disappointed with it, I can even say that I like it.
I saw no major mistakes and it being a first chapter and it being set in a other dimension I can't say anything about canon mistakes.
I always liked the idea of a single change having a butterfly effect.
Looking forward to to what you write next.
5/26/2021 c1 ThR1992
It is a pleasure that you forays into the world of Harry Potter, I know you will do a great job.

I will start by commenting that in my personal opinion, the synopsis gives too much information, I think you should have this detainee after Snape did not give Harry the memory of him and skip the 22 years and 3 wars. Since you clarify it explicitly in the chapter.

I'm interested in how Harry's parents died and how Neville's parents survived.
Was there a sacrifice like Lily did?

Which wand did Harry get?
Do you have the wand with Voldemort's twin core?

Did he keep the piece of the soul or by crossing the veil did he destroy himself?

Will the deathly hallows play a role in the story?
5/26/2021 c1 Jack Oh Lantern
This looks promising, but I think I will wait to see 2 more chapters to see where this story is going before I commit and follow it.
5/26/2021 c1 KickoUzumaki
Good chapter and good plot for a story
5/26/2021 c1 powerhouse17
I'll be honest my two favorite fanfic types are naruto/crossovers and Harry Potter. the way that you wrote Caterpillar was really well done and I hope you choose to continue with this story!
5/26/2021 c1 Imagination 3101
Big fan of your work, Caterpillar. This story is also very interesting. Looking forward to see more chapters. Have a great time :)
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