Just In
for A Magical Journey

6/15/2021 c83 El Basurero
Gracias por el cap
6/14/2021 c41 mike0151
I am really enjoying this story. I love the way you are ingratiating Quinn with (some of) the professors!

The immediate thought about uses for Absolute Zero include large scale air conditioning, deep freezers and any kind of refrigeration for foodstuffs and any other needs for such a thing. It seems to me that it would likely be more reliable than simple charms, so long as safety feature are implemented.

I don't know if your magical world includes things like scientific and space research but that (or supply of such products) might be business opportunities for the family businesses (or even for Quinn himself).

Keep up the stories!

Mike (in Liverpool UK)
6/14/2021 c82 naba45
I really love this story, the magic system you develop is very interesting. Can't wait to see Quinn becoming an adult and super powerful
6/14/2021 c82 El Basurero
Gracias por el cap
6/14/2021 c5 1Chillingbear
Important, yes. Interesting? Lol, no.
6/13/2021 c81 El Basurero
Muchas gracias por el cap.
6/13/2021 c80 Guest
Wooww. Great story. Please update.
6/12/2021 c80 21Orphans
Jeez that was good can’t wait for updates.
Was this pre written then posted or did you churn out 200000 words in like 10 days?
6/12/2021 c1 El Basurero
Me encanta muchas gracias por este magnifico fanfic.
6/12/2021 c80 Reonido
Thanks for your good work)
6/11/2021 c80 Epicthy
This story is great, and not only that, you update frequently too. Are you some kind of God?
6/10/2021 c78 JohnMonty
Great chapter! Just finished reading this today from start to finish! Great fanfic! Hope to see Quinn using more Legilimency on people. Will there be any pairings in the future? I'd like to see Quinn get paired with Ivy, Daphne and Tracey, or at the least with Ivy. Will there be any lemons? Gorey combat scenes? Brilliant fanfic, looking forward to reading more! Update soon!
6/9/2021 c78 Zadenados
I'm honestly surprised he hasn't raided the room of lost things. he's even got venom for the horocrux. any work towards animals training? he hasn't nagged flitwick for dueling stories or assistance. will he be asking Daphne out to hogsmead. did he fix Luna's bullying problems.
6/9/2021 c1 zamakhsari
One of the best harry potter fanfic ever..
6/8/2021 c1 1charan532003
best harry potter fan fiction I ever read. Thank you for sharing.
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