Just In
for Circling The Drain

9/4/2023 c39 AidualcLupa
I came across you through a link from CaliforniaKat and am blown away by your compelling stories! Great style and exciting tales - just awesome! Only your tendency to expose Sookie to such abuse and torture, over years, unsettles me and deters me from making your stories my favorites.
This Sookie in particular, with her potential as a vampire, would deserve a sequel. Pretty please!
7/9/2023 c39 Meglit
One of the best stories I have ever read thank you
4/12/2023 c38 Guest
4/12/2023 c16 cela whitney
since vampires are the world's biggest gossips did bill tell whoever it is?
4/12/2023 c4 cela whitney
so she's going to reveal she's a telepath?
4/12/2023 c3 cela whitney
I won't be surprised if her maker is Bill, and I will cheer and clap if Eric kills him, after he releases her of course.
4/12/2023 c2 cela whitney
she had been a prisoner for ten years?
2/2/2023 c39 ericlover69
Great ending to a great story. Thank you and keep going girl!
2/2/2023 c38 ericlover69
Well, that was epic. I hope they get some peace now.
2/2/2023 c36 ericlover69
That was a great battle. Good job.
2/2/2023 c34 ericlover69
Can't wait for what happens next.
2/2/2023 c33 ericlover69
The plot thickens.
2/2/2023 c32 ericlover69
Great chappy!
2/2/2023 c31 ericlover69
Sweet and hot as hell.
2/2/2023 c30 ericlover69
We hot damn, FINALLY! They pulled their heads out of their asses!
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