Just In
for Hereafter

1/11 c185 BasicWhiteDude
Welp there goes tho holiday
1/11 c184 njgronlund
Sounds like a normal Valentines Day to me. XD
1/11 c185 Varvas
Thanks for the chapter as always!
I know it's a massive commitment but I dearly hope you go the full length with this fic, remnants and lostbelts included.
It's a damn shame that the best storytelling and instances happen much later in fgo, especially from a fanfic creation point of view.
1/11 c185 Dr. Valentine
I have zero memory of most FGO events, beyond some earlier summer and Christmas ones, so I have no idea what's going on here.
1/11 c185 1DragonSword35d
Did she fill the chocolate with cherry syrup or something? Cause, while tasty, holy crap does that look traumatizing. Especially to Rika. Oof.
1/7 c16 2V01dSw0rd
“Alien blackboxesmore right than she realizes, lol
1/5 c184 17AthanMortis
You know, I was doing some strengthenings in FGO the other night, and I had a random thought: How would Taylor cope with a GUDAGUDA?

Thanks as always, looking forward to more.
1/4 c184 7Blast Ketchup
I actually am kinda disappointed to not see Drake again, but it's not like I'm expecting it to happen; and as said in-universe Chaldea's not in position to add more servants right now anyway.

All in all another good chapter, thanks for the update!
1/4 c184 4Lumias
If earth bet makes modern age heroes able to be summoned as servants, I'm guessing Taylor has reason to be concerned. If Alexandria gets summoned for the other side drowning her in bugs wouldn't be possible unless that specifically triggers as her legends weakness.

Taylor getting to learn runes will be a nice upgrade to her arsenal.
12/22/2024 c183 BasicWhiteDude
Oh yeah, there are other people there
12/21/2024 c183 Lumias
Well none of your bridge bunnies had a "please notice me senpai!" personality, towards the mad scientist so already more professional then the Eva bridge bunnies.

I suppose if you wanted a weird love triangle going you could have the tech get a crush on Taylor while they are in the simulation together. Then Taylor could be oblivious to it while Marie gets jealous of the attention being paid to Taylor.

Interesting chapter. Nice to see from a perspective we don't usually see.
12/21/2024 c183 1DragonSword35d
This is probably as close as we’re gonna get to a PHO chapter. Complete with amusingly accurate tin hat commentary. Unless the American singularity actually IS in Brockton Bay, with an active internet, and you happen to feel like it.
12/21/2024 c183 2AshOfTheBurningWorld
“A serial killer in the for of a prepubescent girl probably didn’t seem all that intimidating.”

I burst out laughing at how wrong that thought was. Murder hobo Biotinker, anyone?
12/15/2024 c182 BasicWhiteDude
12/14/2024 c182 4Lumias
As you said a bit meandering in this chapter, but sometimes set up requires multiple things to happen. I do admit to being impatient for major events to start happening again, but that's because you did great setting up things to be revealed over time.
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