Just In
for Deathberry's Journey

2/7/2022 c25 robertroy1
can't wait for next chapter
2/7/2022 c25 4Alucard
So short. Please update again.
2/7/2022 c25 ikusatsunagi
thx for another great chapter
2/4/2022 c20 Guest
Still pretty much copypaste, and forced plot.
2/4/2022 c10 Guest
Too similar it was better before you reached canon.
2/2/2022 c24 TheWolf87
Somehow, some way, Ichigo must have Orihime restore Kukkaku's arm. Anyhow can't wait for Ichigo to slice up some Shinigami as long as it's not Ichigo and Ganju vs Ikakku and his bff.
2/2/2022 c23 TheWolf87
Tia and Ichigo complement each other well, seeing how Harribel aspect of death is Sacrafice and we all know Ichigo is a protector.
1/31/2022 c24 4Alucard
Great work. Look forward to more!
1/31/2022 c24 erasenpai946
How great we will have Halibel, Yoruichi, Rangiku in the harem, Neliel and Unohana are missing (I know I won't have this one but it doesn't hurt to dream)
1/31/2022 c24 xXwolfsterXx644
Definitely Can't wait for the next update
1/31/2022 c24 biob1
Good work
1/31/2022 c24 ikusatsunagi
Thx for the chapter
1/31/2022 c24 robertroy1
can't wait for next chapter
1/27/2022 c23 Guest
Looking forward to the Ganju/Ichigo banter knowing their relation. As for the poll, have to vote no. Positive she was cut down before he arrived, they never met. Later during the invasion Harribel was locked up when Ichigo and Quilge fought.

P.S The fandom's interest with living/soul pairings is weird to me. You have teenagers dating adult women that are technically dead. Just my opinion and reason, disagreement is fine.
1/27/2022 c2 alec2212
Fucking Harem...
There is very little Ichigo/yoruichi. You "adopted" the story and instantly made it trash... Congrats
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