Just In
for Deathberry's Journey

1/18/2022 c22 biob1
Great job
1/17/2022 c22 15TheJSmooth
You left me hanging! Not cool lol
Great chapter though!
1/17/2022 c22 xXwolfsterXx644
Definitely Can't wait for the next update
1/17/2022 c22 Dr1zzy
Thx for The update
1/17/2022 c22 Kea-MX
Good chapter,Glad to see ichigo didn’t struggle with jidanbō
1/11/2022 c20 Rendgar-blade00
there's something I don't like about what you're doing, ichigo is supposed to be at a higher level than mid-level captain, after all I train for a full year with division zero and you put it on like it barely reached the low captain level
1/3/2022 c21 robertroy1
Can't wait for next chapter loved the soul society arc
12/31/2021 c20 Guest
I... what was the point of tanking the hit he apparently didn't need to if he won't even play along with the "injury" he got? That's just stupid.
12/31/2021 c13 Guest
Why the fuck did you have him do all that frankly ridiculous training and get all those powers, even ones canon didn't have, if he struggles with the most basic bitch hollows in the show? If you're just going to rehash canon so closely you shouldn't even bother writing. You can't even say Grand Fisher was particularly strong.

Grand Fisher gets turned into an arrancar, which is a universal upgrade for hollows, and then gets bodied casually by Isshin without even releasing his sword. Why the actual fuck would someone around a Captain's Level (as noticed by the experienced Rukia) and that's underselling it, struggle even a little bit against him? Even if they went into a blind rage and stopped using their zanpakuto to kick it to death, Fisher has no way to do anything back.
1/2/2022 c21 ikusatsunagi
Thx for another great chapter
1/2/2022 c21 Dr1zzy
Good one
1/2/2022 c21 Shu Ouma GC
Yessssss soul society arc!
1/1/2022 c20 ulttoanova
This was a very good chapter. I loved how you handled rukia's capture as it doesn't make sense for an Ichigo, who given his frankly bullshit growth rate, that has been training for years and has even learned Kido something I don't think he ever does in cannon to lose to Bakuya and Renji given how they are roughly mid level captain and lieutenant at this point and they are sealed as well. That said having Ichigo instead letting them go with the promise he's coming to Soul Society to rescue her and even saying he wanted to speak to the head captain which proves that there is more to this than it appears makes a lot of sense especially given how Ichigo would realize this would cut down on collateral damage. I can't wait for the next upload.
12/31/2021 c20 ChaosChap64
This is starting to feel copy-pasta-ey so i hope things change from that in the next 2 chapters.
12/31/2021 c20 demigodninja21
This chapter is very similar to Ichigo Awakens, you clearly took heavy inspiration from it. But then you could easily argue that it's 1 of, if not the, best bleach fanfictions out there.
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