Just In
for Deathberry's Journey

6/18/2021 c1 8579
Thank you for adopting the story
Hopefully the Ichigo x Yoruichi pairing will be maintain!
6/18/2021 c2 ikusatsunagi
Thx for another great chapter
PS: Ichigo x Yoruichi rules
6/18/2021 c2 Edub102
Good story so far. Does Rukia have to be in a relationship with Ichigo them together never seemed right to me there better as friends. Yes to Rangiku being with Ichigo.
6/17/2021 c1 anoyak111
I hope its just ichigo and yoruichi.
6/17/2021 c1 ikusatsunagi
Ichigo x Yoruichi 3
6/17/2021 c1 kynan99
Thanks for the awesome chapter..
6/17/2021 c1 Dr1zzy
Great start glad you took this over rally like this story
6/17/2021 c1 midnightscar17
Please update soon
6/16/2021 c1 1darknight99
An incredible first chapter, I can't wait for the next one
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