Just In
for Deathberry's Journey

11/16/2022 c7 IronClawedDemon
You seem to really struggle with consistency, you really should hold off and insane amounts of training just to have him struggle with quite literally the most basic hollows.

How could he have a bankai or trained with Kisuke for years and ever struggle against Sora.
11/16/2022 c33 ulttoanova
I liked this chapter especially the fight with Aizen. I also like Aizen's fake death since this Ichigo has an ice type zanpakuto which given your description of Aizen's fake death could have been him framing Ichigo even though given what Ichigo has to say Yamamoto would likely being willing to listen to him over Aizen since is it's unlikely a ryoka would know Yhwach's name and if Ichigo's quincy spirit has some of Yhwach's memories he might know the name of Yamamoto's Bankai which is almost certainly unknown by anyone who hasn't seen it. I don't know if you're going that route or if you are staying with the cannon framing of Toshiro either way, I liked the chapter and look forward to the next one.
11/16/2022 c33 rgriffin8999
This fanfic is like a rewrite of the ichigo awakens fanfic.
11/15/2022 c20 Death Lantern
afthis story sucks
11/14/2022 c33 Mugetsu700
Thanks for the chapter
11/14/2022 c33 StarkillerRicardos
So glad this story's getting new chapters again now there's this and tybw to look forward to.

Keep up the good work but take your time if you feel you need to "You can't rush art".
11/14/2022 c33 robertroy1
can't wait for next chapter really love the story
11/9/2022 c19 Guest
good work best fanfic for bleach I've read 300 review congratulations
11/10/2022 c5 demigodninja21
Do you have to do the Bounts?
11/8/2022 c1 Guest
Wanted to ask, but have I abandoned the race to the edge httyd fic? It’s been a while since it’s last update
11/8/2022 c32 robertroy1
can't wait for next chapter
11/8/2022 c32 ulttoanova
While I'm not normally a big fan of flashback chapter especially when they aren't revealing much, I liked the last section of this chapter and am happy to see this story return. I can't wait the next update.
11/7/2022 c2 ChunkyFunkyMunky
You should put a harem warning in your summary.
11/7/2022 c32 DracoKing30
Really love this story can't wait for new chapters
11/7/2022 c32 ikusatsunagi
thx for the chapter
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