Just In
for Deathberry's Journey

7/12/2022 c7 4Enzu225
He trained with the Zero Division, but is as weak as the original Ichigo at the beginning of the series?
6/27/2022 c31 Li3b366
It’s a great story but I think you’re making him weaker than he is supposed to be in a story like this
From being trained from a young age to squad zero to Bankai he should be much stronger
But it’s a great story please hurry with the next chapter
6/23/2022 c31 3ChildofWar
Damn, I got so into this story at the start I binged it. Towards the end I was excited for the Kenpachi fight, only to be blue-balled by Renji -_-

Can’t wait for more, and hope for the blessings of the muses to continue!
6/16/2022 c1 Geurtg
Buena historia
6/10/2022 c31 Guest
When you gonna post a new chapter?
5/29/2022 c13 Lillian1234
Bankai, trained by squad zero, mastered hollow, shinigami, with quincy blut boost. Yet he's around same skill and power as canon, and canon seems to be playing out exactly. Like what was the point of all that training mastering powers if he's as weak as if he just cluelessly stumbled into the supernatural world like in canon.
5/13/2022 c18 Misaka Phenex
still why is he weak he should have one shot this thing
5/13/2022 c13 Misaka Phenex
why is he so weak wtf
5/10/2022 c31 Guest
This story has so much potential but each chapter just feels like a drag to read and the changes are so minimal at points that it seems like everything that was set up in the beginning was just useless flavor text. I read all the chapters hoping it would actually get somewhere but it just never does.
5/9/2022 c31 Mugetsu700
Great chapter, thanks
5/6/2022 c7 Guest
yeah trained by the zero squad and has bankai, yet a hollow that is a couple of days old whacks him around like he is a normal human ...
5/6/2022 c31 midnightscar17
You lost a long time ago you stubborn baboon
5/3/2022 c31 xXwolfsterXx644
Great chapter dude
5/3/2022 c31 robertroy1
can't wait for next chapter really liked that fight
5/2/2022 c31 1kat1017
The trick with the chain is from the hellverse movie, isn't it.
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