Just In
for The House of Potter-Greengrass

1/2 c6 2Cain O'Phelan
And for damn sure, Daphne is not behaving like a 13 year old. 17? 18? Yes. But not 13.
1/2 c6 Cain O'Phelan
He punches out Malfoy but not Ron? And Daphne wants to dress him down for punching Malfoy? Nah, thats BS.
One of the things I can’t stand in these overly formal stories (the stilted dialogue aside) is how the boys can fight each other but are supposed to roll over at the drop of a hat for a girl. That is not Daphne’s place to lecture. Secondary to that is the garbage excuse of a conversation with Lupin. Utterly nonsensical.
1/2 c1 Cain O'Phelan
Honestly, he should have jettisoned Hermione and refused to even acknowledge her. She failed in every way, while refusing to consider how harmful her actions were. She betrayed trust with her slavish devotion to rules over independent thought and behavior.
12/28/2023 c58 ben32173
10/10 will recommend this to my friends. Very nicely put together, never lost the plot, never got bored with the story. Took me about a week to read it, and I wish there was more. Tied the story off perfectly.
12/20/2023 c9 keht.jelicho
Thank you for acknowledging that it is Roger Davies vs Davis, and explaining that the change is an intentional one. Also hoping that if he is still Fleur's date to the Yule Ball that you have him behaving better than canon. (I think the Yule Ball scenes with him are a part of why I don't generally like fics where he and Tracey are from the same family, beyond the whole aspect of not liking it when people get names wrong- it would be similar if there was a Brawn family and someone made Lavender and them the same family because their names were similar to one another.)
12/20/2023 c58 Ski11
Honestly this one of the best fics ive read in awhile. Havent looked yet but i am hoping there is sequel!
12/10/2023 c58 hdres
An excellent story. Well written and imaginative with some fantastic adventures for everyone. Thank you for sharing your hard work and imagination with us all.
12/9/2023 c58 dolph25
Incredible story! Thank you so much
12/9/2023 c52 hdres
This is a fabulous story with so many rich and interesting ideas. I am really enjoying every chapter. I am so pleased that you continued past the death of Voldemort. Thank you for sharing your story
12/8/2023 c15 Cain O'Phelan
My biggest complaints with this story are the stilted language used in narration, and the lack of vernacular in dialogue allowing for an easy flow between characters.
12/6/2023 c37 hdres
I enjoyed Ginger’s view of the family. Thank you
12/6/2023 c29 8HarryPotterFangirl85
I got halfway through this chapter and found the need to say how much of a freaking moron Dumbledore is. I'll just bet that he's been possessed by LV now.
12/6/2023 c34 hdres
I am glad you decided to write more of Harry and Daphne’s future. I have enjoyed how you have changed the story and introduced different perspectives. Thank you for sharing your well written story
12/5/2023 c1 tonzo
Thanks for the effort and time, I loved this story, well done.
12/4/2023 c24 hdres
Great story. The different first task and the the surprising ending were very imaginative and well written. Thank you
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