Just In
for The House of Potter-Greengrass

7/2/2021 c4 bkerrmom1
I love this story sooooo much ! I am looking forward to seeing what comes next !
7/2/2021 c4 LiteratureSoccerEnthusiast
Yay, Harry getting the medical help that he deserves and needs. Finally adults helping him out the way it should have always been!
7/2/2021 c3 Fast Frank
Excellent chapter, except McGonagall would have said, "...Lupin or me."
7/2/2021 c4 Smokeing
Great story thank you
7/2/2021 c2 Fast Frank
Outstanding chapter. I find it telling that Gringotts does not consider Sirius "uncontactable".
7/2/2021 c1 Fast Frank
Excellent setup, very good overall, except you hit one of my pet peeves. In recent years, I have been seeing, "...and I" as the object of a verb or preposition instead of "and me". Even if you used it to make Daphne seem pretentious, it would be anachronistic in 1994.
7/2/2021 c4 10CaskettFan5
It's rather adorable, Harry being such a kid. He didn't get much time to just be a growing boy in canon, I'm glad he's getting that here. This chapter could have used a bit more Daphne in it though. :)
7/2/2021 c4 bdwilliams3
Love the adult commentary on Harry and the girls. Great chapter as always!
7/2/2021 c4 ARWilliams
A most excellent chapter, and I find myself yearning for so much more! I am eager to see Harry develop further, to see his relationships grow and change as he does. Your writing is superb
7/2/2021 c4 Bountyhunter1977
He should have made a small joke to Hermione that because he looks so different he mite as well be on Polyjuice Potion lol.

I do not think Harry should know exactly was in the scar or at lest not at this age, I would say there is some laws in place because of darkness/evilness and him being a child that it be illegal for them to tell him about a Horcrux. And ad to that it put a cramp in Dumbledore plains for Harry about sacrificing him.

Would the removal of the Horcrux effect any thing mental about him? Like it was the reason he has balance problems with the Floo network and port keys even if he has not experienced Port keys yet? Maybe it effected his memory? or number of things. If so the effects will not be noticed right away but may take weeks or a month or 2 to be noticeable.

will the removal of the Horcrux effect his connection to his wand? maybe he needs a new one that has a better connection to him and works better for him. I always thought the only reason he got the Holly wand was because of the Horcrux and or Prophecy. And it takes him a more then a few tries to get a spell to work for the first time then no problem after wards tells me that it is not as comparable as it should be or some one did something to the wand to make it more difficult but not impossible to learn magic.

Now that the physical is almost done healing whats next? Mental? emotional? maybe something its wrong with his magic?
7/2/2021 c4 Urgazhi
Good update. Nice to see Harry get health care for a change.

Understandable him not trusting adults really.
6/28/2021 c3 Urgazhi
I really like this setup.

Looking forward to seeing how you continue it. Harry and Daphne are really cute in their interactions.
6/28/2021 c3 2BekaRoo
I cant wait for the next chapter and to see what Amelia and Remus do to get Harry to learn about his heritage
6/27/2021 c3 mrfresh
I like the set up of this story, I am looking forward to seeing it progress!
6/27/2021 c3 AnnaMerteuil
the Daphne/Harry... I love it
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