Just In
for The House of Potter-Greengrass

8/10/2023 c53 Sarasri
um... you have Harry playing seeker all year. as well as taking up being captain?

Anyways, I love, love, love this story!
8/9/2023 c42 dragonbabel
Is her name Dani or Mary Sue? Suddenly Dani in her first game is beating the guy who played just about even to Krum the previous year? Krum the guy who caught the snitch in the World Cup?
8/9/2023 c43 george17
"Jane looked between them. "I will never get used to how backwards this world is."

Are seriously trying to make Hermione's parents look like a couple of douchbags? Her mother makes that statement to the mother of her daughter's boyfriend in front of other members of magical nobility?

I don't care if she feels that way or even if she's right. You don't go into someone's home and, in response to a proposal meant to be friendly, so blatantly insult them to their face. Where it's really stupid is your fic shows no reaction to that from all the people she insulted.
8/7/2023 c58 ThatPenguinAte
This was a pretty good read. I def have some gripes about it but such as all stories I suppose. Very very few are perfect to the decimal. Though the Camelot story line had me excited but I started to lose my damn mind towards the end with all the information trying to be added to tie things together overall made me skim read the last chapters due to this unfortunately. I also find it hard to believe of the mental maturity of Harry and co age at the time. Other than my personal grips it was a good read
8/6/2023 c58 11Prustan
Quite enjoyed the story, congrats on completing it.
I do have a nitpick though, and one that many have probably mentioned already. Several times after you had stated in story that Madam Pomfrey had retired from Hogwarts, you had her mentioned performing something as Hogwarts Healer, without saying that she'd come out of retirement. Like the chapter that Dani and her friends were attacked, and again a couple of chapters later.
Sorry I can't be more clear about where, but I have just finished binge-reading it, so brain is a bit full.

Good luck in your writing.
8/5/2023 c58 2FrostyTheDopeMan
Great story, thanks for putting in the time. It’s nice to see a long, sprawling fic like this reach its conclusion. It was really creative, had good character arcs, and left me satisfied after finishing it.
8/5/2023 c42 7Lord Bz
Dani winning against Harry is absolutely you inhaling a massive amount of crack . That's so heavy handed. But meh, I suppose it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Like the story very much.
8/4/2023 c58 Guest
Flipping brilliant thanks for writing
8/5/2023 c13 63Epeefencer
Sorry, no way do I think that Snape could overcome eight aurors.
8/5/2023 c12 Epeefencer
First off, Euphemia was not a Black, it was Harry's Great Grandmother, Dorea that was a Black. Second, how many ways are you using to spell Abbott? The correct spelling is with two Bs and two Ts.
8/5/2023 c4 winniesm
Really hate difficult and meaningless stubborn Harry
8/5/2023 c58 6ChiruKaio
A great epilogue but with one mistake that confused me.

Felix was joining Hogwarts in 2010 where he met Ben. But in the next passage you said it was September 2000 as Harry is visiting Dudley. Which needs to be wrong since the reason for the visit was that Felix and Ben were becoming friends. So the date September 2010 would be more correct.

Well this scene showed that Dumbledore destroyed many lives. I was hoping that Harry would go checkout Petunia or at least look from afar what she is doing. Dudley would have required a mind healer after what Dumbledore did. He already grew up for 13 years with hate and Marge should never have been allowed to breed dogs nor raise a child.
8/4/2023 c58 HoneyBear84
Love it
8/4/2023 c58 fraewyn
love it!
8/4/2023 c58 Keepddreamalive
Thank you for a great story. Sad it has reached its end, but that is how things go. However, there is still lots of material and plot lines, like the goblins and their increased automomy in Mosedale, the Guild, Malfoy and the conduct of reinstated houses, Croaker and Avalon, Camelot, Longbottom and the rediscovered herbs and their uses etc.
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