8/1/2023 c58 arrow84
Thank you for sharing this story, it was a fun ride while it lasted. Looking forward to the others you have published continuing. Excellent work.
Thank you for sharing this story, it was a fun ride while it lasted. Looking forward to the others you have published continuing. Excellent work.
8/1/2023 c58 L'ange demoniaque
A beautiful end for a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing your work.
A beautiful end for a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing your work.
7/31/2023 c58 Befread
But this doesn't answer anything, you've got a ton of stories going, like what's going on with the guild, what is malfoy up to, what about Neville, and what about hermonie you also left the goblins out? There are so many things you just dropped.
But this doesn't answer anything, you've got a ton of stories going, like what's going on with the guild, what is malfoy up to, what about Neville, and what about hermonie you also left the goblins out? There are so many things you just dropped.
7/31/2023 c58 2KingRider6911
Absolutely brilliant story! I've loved it since i first read it and im sad that its over. I hope that you do another Harry and Daphne story soon!
Absolutely brilliant story! I've loved it since i first read it and im sad that its over. I hope that you do another Harry and Daphne story soon!
7/31/2023 c58 Inumiru
Such a long road. I'm almost sad to see it end, but excited for what roads you go down in the future.
I do have one question. Earlier you had Jacob as Hermione's son. In the wedding scene it was Oberon?
Just wondering if that was a mistake, or Oberon is the older brother that wasn't mentioned?
Can't wait for your next chapter/story!
Such a long road. I'm almost sad to see it end, but excited for what roads you go down in the future.
I do have one question. Earlier you had Jacob as Hermione's son. In the wedding scene it was Oberon?
Just wondering if that was a mistake, or Oberon is the older brother that wasn't mentioned?
Can't wait for your next chapter/story!
7/31/2023 c58 1EbonPurlight
It's was an enjoyable long road to the end, lol. Well written and a good read . If you write more I'll be here for it. Peace, prosperity and good day.
It's was an enjoyable long road to the end, lol. Well written and a good read . If you write more I'll be here for it. Peace, prosperity and good day.
7/31/2023 c58 Hank1967
Very enjoyable end to the story! Still wondering about Camelot and what Harry and his friends are going to do with it... A bit sad to see what happened to Dudley, especially between him and his son. Rather pleased to see that Harry was watching out for Ben, though. Also wondering what it was that Harry wanted from Avalon. Too funny that Croaker is still playing his games after all these years. Enjoyed all of the world building around Juliette and Felix as well as the rest of the gang's children. Very well done! Looking forward to seeing what you've got lined up for us next!
Very enjoyable end to the story! Still wondering about Camelot and what Harry and his friends are going to do with it... A bit sad to see what happened to Dudley, especially between him and his son. Rather pleased to see that Harry was watching out for Ben, though. Also wondering what it was that Harry wanted from Avalon. Too funny that Croaker is still playing his games after all these years. Enjoyed all of the world building around Juliette and Felix as well as the rest of the gang's children. Very well done! Looking forward to seeing what you've got lined up for us next!
7/31/2023 c58 Cloud Ex-SOLDIER
Good story. You did a good job of keeping most of the minor characters relevant throughout the different story arcs.
Good story. You did a good job of keeping most of the minor characters relevant throughout the different story arcs.
7/31/2023 c58 2mwinter1
Thoroughly enjoyed the story. Was waiting to see what Carey wanted from Avalon. But OK with not knowing. Again thank you very much for the story.
Thoroughly enjoyed the story. Was waiting to see what Carey wanted from Avalon. But OK with not knowing. Again thank you very much for the story.
7/31/2023 c58 rmgiroux
"I heard you and mum. You forget to put up silencing charms sometimes."
ROFL! A very good ending to an excellent story, thanks!
"I heard you and mum. You forget to put up silencing charms sometimes."
ROFL! A very good ending to an excellent story, thanks!
7/31/2023 c58 Fast Frank
Nice epilogue to an outstanding story.
Nice epilogue to an outstanding story.