Just In
for The House of Potter-Greengrass

7/25/2023 c57 23Rori Potter
Wow! I look forward to the epilogue!
7/22/2023 c57 csheila
Thanks SO MUCH for carrying the story into the future. Draco is always going to be a shit. But its not worth killing him

I loved the balance and the changes. But I didnt relish chapters devotedmto explaining genetics to idiota. For that i could watchthe news.

I love, love this tale. Blame my crankiness on a bad migraine weekend. Looking forward to the epilogue and any future stories. Thanks again fir so freely shqring your talent
7/22/2023 c57 NoTredOnSnek
Sweet. Ive enjoyed this adventure with you.
7/21/2023 c57 Mark1
This was a great fic, congratulations for finishing it and thank you also. Hope you come up with another great fic! May your muse provide you with more inspiration.
7/21/2023 c57 fraewyn
Love it!
7/21/2023 c57 MarilynT
A great journey. Thank you for writing
7/21/2023 c57 odonnellzoo99
I would have never expected that the story arc would wrap up with Harry and Draco starting an alliance.
Good chapter.
7/21/2023 c57 4newkidintown00
Congrats on finishing! Fantastic story!
7/21/2023 c57 mike3308
I liked the part where Draco and Harry agreed to an alliance, as well as his son using Parseltongue ţo the snake.
7/21/2023 c57 Fast Frank
Well not a 'Marriage Law' per se, but a strong suggestion. Very nice chapter.
For any potential reader: If you are checking reviews to see if you might like to start reading this story, do it, I highly recommend it.
7/20/2023 c56 Oganesyan Artur G
Very Like Read, but жаль не закончено.
7/21/2023 c57 Force Smuggler
7/21/2023 c57 10CaskettFan5
A long and winding road as they say. It must feel good to get here. I wouldn't know as my epic isn't done yet. *sigh*
7/21/2023 c57 2mwinter1
AHHHHHH. really enjoyed this story and didnt have an issue when you started to draw it out like i do some other stories i have read. Thank you for it. Can't wait to see what you will write, or have written for the Epilogue.
7/21/2023 c57 finkarhu
Thanks for The chapter
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